Rectal Prolapse in a child?


New member
Sunday my daughter went to go use the bathroom and was in some pain. When I looked I noticed she had a pretty bad case of Rectal Prolapse. I already knew what rectal prolapse was because of this forum. It is the reason some babies w/CF are diagnosed during ultrasounds or at birth. But what I didn't know is that it could happen now, when my daughter is 2 1/2? Does anyone one else have a child who suffers from this or does themself? The doc put her on Miralax twice per day to clean her out? Is this what you or your child takes? Are there any other things I should know or do about this? Any information would help.

I actually have this problem on occassion and I remember the first time it started. I was staying at some friends because my parents were out of town. They were horrified and didn't know what to do because they weren't aware of what was happening. They took me to the doc, anyway the dad made me a thing to sit on with a hole in it so it wouldn't come out anymore. I don't know if that is advised but it is certainly a story that comes up in my family from its deep dark whole every now and then. LOL I still get it occassionaly and I do take Miralax if I start to feel backed up. It seems to do the trick. Good luck with everything!



New member
Sydney was dx after having a prolapse (june 2004). She does get constipated frequently but hasn't had a prolapse since. She has taken Miralax in the past but I don't like to have her on it for very long bc it can cause a dependency (something about the bowels depend on it - it is on the info label). We are big sticklers on her diet and pay close attention to her BM's to make sure that aren't too soft or too hard (a prolapse can happen after having soft stools for very long bc the rectum becomes lazy then can't push out a firmer stool, it also can happen with regular "hard turds" from constipation). We make sure she eats lots of fruit each day and a well rounded diet otherwise, which really helps. I was told that once a person has a prolapse, they are more prone to having them again...not sure if this is a fact or just an opinion though - only time will tell I suppose.

Good Luck & Hugs!
Kelli (mom of Sydney 2 wcf)


New member
Caleb is the king of prolapse's (i think). he gets them all the time!! they told me it was because he wasnt getting enough enzymes. we had one day not too long ago where he kept going into the bathroom and everytime he prolapsed, but didnt have a bowel movement. they put him on i think milk of mag. and that poor boy was on the toilet even more. sorry i couldnt be more help, but i do know where your coming from! the first time caleb had a prolapse was also the first time he pooped in the potty!! he was completely horrified!!

take care

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member
Thanks to all of you for your responses. I was beginning to worry no one else had this problem. It's good to know that it is common and can be treated a couple of different ways. I feel much better about it now.