Reflux and milk coming out of nose


New member
Hey everyone this reflux thing is driving me nuts!! Yesterday 2 time Ashton choked and gagged and wrenched for air then milk started coming out of his nose after about 1 min he was fine!! then he did it again yesterdy evening he hasent done it again yet today.. just wondering everyone elses experiences and if they have delt with it what the doctors did for it.. his lungs do sound clear so ig uess tht is good... yesterday altogether was a long day!! we had the ashton issue then tornado warnings and everything last pm!! i think i need to get out and away for a while my nerves were shot last pm!!!

ashton 5 mo with cf
abbi 5 yo without cf


New member
Hi Christi,

My daughter had reflux when she was an infant also. Milk would come shooting out of her mouth and nose and spray about 18 inches across the room. Pretty gross, I know. The doctor didn't realize it was as bad as it was until she did it on him. After that, she was put on Zantac and Reglan, which helped immediately. I believe she took both those meds for 3 or 4 months and then they slowly tapered one until she was completely off of it and then they tapered the other one. I guess she was on a total of 6 months. We also had to mix rice cereal in with her formula so it was as thick as a shake. I don't know how she managed to get that stuff out of the bottle, but she did!!


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DS was on zantac, and he'd still spit up -- I'd feel so bad 'cuz I'd find him the next morning with spit up in his hair. He was a horrible burper -- I'd burp and burp and burp him. We had the end of his crib elevated. Don't recall it ever coming out of his nose though -- just once when he got a stomach bug. Liza


New member
I feel so much for you. My now 6 year old duaghter had reflux that bad as well. I would never let anyone else feed her because I knew that it would come back up... And even though she was on a high dose of Prilosec and/or Zantac, it was still awful. We had her bed propped up on one side because I was always fearful of her choking. I put her in her car seat and her bouncy seat next to my bed most of the time to sleep, because it was the only way she could get good rest. Poor baby. At nine months, we went on a family vacation to Disney, and she never had a reflux problem the entire time there, and it pretty much went away. The only time she had problems after that was when she would drink something very fast, like her juice in her sippy cup. But that, too, finally disappeared. You could tell from my carpet where I used to sit and feed her, because there were wonderful stains there from the mixture of her Pregestimal and her dark ADEK's drops.


New member
Yea he is on prevacid 15mg daily and that is it for his reflux and yesterday was the first time that he practically stopped breathing and it came out of his nose!! i work in the medicl field so it takes a lot to scare me what he did yesterday did just that!!!



New member
My son, now 3, had reflux until he was around 12 months or so. He spit up at least some every time he ate, sometimes alot. He did the rice-milk bit and had zantac but we did not want to go the Reglan route because he was also not well adjusted to his enzymes and reglan tends to push food all the way through the system faster so we were concerned it would just slow down his weight gain at the other end of the digestive system. His CF docs were not thrilled about our veto of reglan, but they got over it.

We pretty much ended up holding him for several months straight almost 24 hours a day because even with the crib tilted at a crazy angle he spit up every time we laid him down and letting him sleep in clothes and bedding soggy with regurgitated alimentum formula was too foul to bear We bought a big lazy-boy recliner and a giant overstuffed chair so I or my spouse could sleep while holding him.

He eventually got over the reflux - though will still sleep draped across his mother in a chair any chance he gets.


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forgot to mention: yes, it came out his nose and mouth - it just sort of rolled out with barely a burp of warning when we laid him down.


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Our son had reflux pretty bad and yes, it would come out of his nose. It got to the point where I didn't want to take him anywhere because you never knew when he would let loose. It would go everywhere. His GI doc put him on Reglan and it pretty much solved the problem. We took him off it and he was fine for awhile and then it came back. We put him back on and again it helped. We got brave and took him off again and he has been fine since. I was a little leary about Reglan but after so much vomit so often we needed to do something to stop it.



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We go tomorrow at 1:30 to see the doctor and they are going to discuss reglan. it has only came out of his nose 2 times which was yesterday but the nurse said tht was enough they believe since his reflux has always been prominant (spitting up and choking/gagging for air) that the doctor recommended trying regln. they want to either get results from a previous upper GI or do another one to make sure everything inside is how it is supposed to be!! so i guess we will see.



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I've got nothing to add that hasn't already been said...but I just wanted to say that we too had the terrifying projectile, turn blue type of spit ups. They really scared Emily, too (Of course!) and they were just really bad. We havn't had one in a while, thank god! She is on Enfammil AR (added riced) and an antacid which really seems to help. Now, she'll be a little refluxy every once in a while and we'll request that the dosage of the antacid be increased to keep up with her wieght gain. Good luck! We all know how long the spit ups days can get.


New member
Everyone that mentions when their child stopped  having
reflux, said they were about 1 (give or take a little bit).
Cheyenne is 5 1/2 years, and still has reflux. She doesn't take
enzymes, but she is on Prevacid.  Also, she doesn't see a GI
doc anymore. Does this sound strange?<br>
I believe the vest treatments are making her reflux worse.


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Today has been a long one. Damien has had hes formula come back up 2x one time threw hes nose also.he lost hes breath for a minute and he gets scared.So do I, this has happend a handfull of times and it sucks we have clinic in 7 days so im glad for that. Pregestimil and vitamins. He has only had 1 poopsy today. I will call hes nurse tommorow that cant be good. I go to look up topics on spitting back up and I didnt have to look far. Im glad to hear that they seem to grow out of it.God Bless


New member
Thankfully ashton hasent had it come out of his nose since 2 days ago. but still he has a hard time breathing even when it dosent come out of his nose! so i think that is why they are going to try thr Reglan. but the out of the nose bit nd turning blue the other dys scared the you know what out of me! we go today to the dr to see what they want to do. we also go to get our last RSV shot for the season today they extended it this year!



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Reilly had the same thing. Pre-diagnosis, we were told to put rice cereal in her formula, STIR IT, not shake it (helps reduce the amount of bubbles, which REALLY helped!) and then they put her on Zantac, then Prevacid. At 2 1/2 she still has reflux, but the Prevacid really helps. They also told us to keep her upright for 1/2 an hour after feeding her to help it go down a little. Good luck!