Even if i'm too tired to do the vest I'll always do my aerosals and try to force cough. But even that i try not to do often. If I skip two days, and even one day if I'm really stressed-I'll notice it. I get so tight, and I slump (my posture), I wheeze.
I have this leg condition, that comes and goes where my legs swell-and I think its oxygen related. I've had numerous doctors and test done on it. But I notice that if I'm going through something stressful in life, and then I skip about 2 therapies, for SURE I will have a flare up.
OK-I'll be honest here. I skipped therapy last night and this morning too! Busy weekend. And right now my legs are swollen and I'm tight in the chest.
After a while you notice patterns.
I try to view skipping treatments as a bank account. If I HAVE to skip, I take a 'loan'. But it has to be paid back right away! If I accumulate too many loans-I pay the price by getting tired, cranky, sick and losing my freedom. I think this is a good analogy to use with kids with cf.