Request for Amy and JRPandTJP


New member
I read both of your replies on the Remission? post.

I am a firm believer we can get the pounds on Courtney she needs, but can do it with healthy foods.

After reading your posts I would love to hear what a "normal" days menu is for you. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

I would greatly appreciate it!




New member
Sure thing.

Breakfast: Eggs in some form usually scrambled or hard boiled (2), some cereal like oatmeal made with rice milk or cocoa wheats (you can sneak in a little walnut or flax seed oil or flas ground up in/on the cereal as well). Power smoothie (recipe under "Remission") I add protein powder in either the form or egg white powder or Rice protein...some soy he will tolerate but too much messes up his pooper, so I like to vary the drinks and protein sources alot thoughout the day.

Morning snack: soy yogurt with granola/power bar and fruit/ or maybe cheese crackers and fruit plus water or rice drink. They like nut mixtures like trail mix too.

Lunch: depends on the day but lots of times it is left overs from night before, we love Bell/Evans chicken fingers, tater tots, sphaghetti and meatballs, turkey roll-ups (turkey, melted cheese, olives, mayo on a tortilla), quesadillas (cheese melted in tortilla with olives sometime chicken and soy sour cream to dip) PLUS a veggie assortment mostly cucumbers and tomatoes with ranch dip. Water or rice dream....of course we do Wendy's/Panera from time to time when on the run. Bean soups in the cooler months.

Snack: same as above sometimes the chocolate shake I mentioned. Apples and peanut butter, cracker and peanut butter plus fruit (lots of berries and bananas are consumed at our house...can't keep them in the fridge for more than a day or so)

Dinner: Wow, anything and everything. We do alot of chicken, ground turkey and beans as a main meal. I sneak veggies in when I can like spinach they will tolerate if it is in a pasta dish.

Another snack before bed usually cereal and banana, or any of the ones I mentioned. Sometimes a scoop of Rice Cream vanilla with berries on top.

There are also these GREENS drinks that my kids love...some smoothie line in the grocery store I can't think of the brand. It is a good way to get more green in them if they don't like tons of veggies.

Keep in mind he can't do dairy (sensative to something in it since very young). So if you are okay with it change whereever you see soy/rice products. Some people see a positive change when they stop using so much and vary it a bit, but this is personal thing so it's up to you. My daugher does some dairy and can drink milk...we buy organic whenever possible. I am a big supporter of organic and locally grown stuff as well. We try and take the kids to farmers markets and to pick berries and stuff in the summer and fall. It is a fun way to get kids interested in food and where it comes from.

I am putting together a site on nutrition ideas and recipes, if you'd like to be on my email list for updates and when it is do to launch I'd be happy to add you. I have a chef friend who will be helping to create some recipes and smoothie ideas for our little CFers so it should be a fun part of the site. Some moms are writing me about there tricks as well so it will be a collaborative effort for sure.

Email me at

Hope this helps...have fun with it. Jody


New member
Sure thing <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

B'fast: Whole grain cereal fortified with Flax Seed Oil and Omega 3's, topped with plain yogurt and blueberries.

Midmorning snack: sugar free wheat bread (check the ingredients listing on the bread... you would be shocked at how much "syrup", "high fructose corn syrup" and other bogus sugar items) topped with low sodium low sugar peanut butter and raisons.

Lunch : always varies. I'm out with my clients so it can be anything from salad, veggies and chicken to terriyaki steak and soup, to tacos, chips @ salsa. i try to keep it well rounded (veggies, carbs, protein and low sugar because this supresses the immune system)

Afternoon snack: Pastry & Frappuccino from Starbucks (yes, this has sugar.... but it's really hard for me to find quick snacks on the road all day) usually a Banana Walnut Loaf. Fraps at Stabucks are what I call a "fat @$$ in a cup". They run about 500 calories for the smallest size that I sip on. Again, I realize sugar isn't healthy, and I could probably make a better choice on the road, but I'm being honest here.

Dinner: Corn, broccoli, pizza (healthy, home-made), asparagus, chicken, tacos, soup when it's cold outside, rice.... dinner varies a ton as well

Desert: some more toasted bread with peanut butter and raisons (so yummy)

Obviously this varies a ton from day to day, but this is my typical gig.

I'm 5'2 and I weigh 120 lbs. I'm very muscular from working out a ton, and I wear about a size 2. My BMI is 22, right where the CFF wants us to be for increased lung function.

Let me know if you have any other questions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you both very much!!

It sounds like you both found a way to eat healthy, and get the extra calories you need!

I appreciate you taking the time to write all of that for me. When Courtney gets back from North Carolina I will probably have a ton more questions for you both. I am going to have her look at this and see if it sounds good to her.

