Currently, Japan has been dividing the smoking from the non-smoking with an added "barrrier"" of some sort. However, some of those "barriers" are lacking in common sense and the smoke lingers into the "non-smoking" sections. I don't know until I get into the restaurant, so when that happens, I don't go there again...
But, what really frustrates me the most is when I'm going into the subway, which I have to use to commute to work, people disregard the "non-smoking" signs within the corridor, or they disregard not smoking in the "smokers area". I take it that the police, or security, don't enforce the rules that they make. My wife askes me not to approach those kind of people because of the kind of news about the rise in violent crimes, rather to go and tell the authority (police or security). However, just like in the states, they're never around when you NEED them!
I hope they start making more laws (and enforcing them) for non-smokers to have cleaner and cancer-free air! My thought about all this is that smoking was never considered a "healthy habit", so it should inconvenience the smokers for the sake of the I right?!