Answering some questions I've been asked-2nd sweat test in -negative-8-last one was a 7. Doc.said Ambry test would take several weeks-I specifically asked for Ambry Amplified? Sputum cultures have not grown anything as of yet-wait until Monday for that final result-Baby not any better-4 albuterol treaments a day -2 pulmocorts,prevacid in the morning and singulair at night-Doc. showed us actual pictures of bronch/scope-you could see the mucous in her airways-Does the prednisone or pulmocort affect the sweat test results? What else causes your child to be constantly plugged w/mucous in their chest?-I stopped all dairy 2 weeks ago. I just want her to get better- No, I don't want her to have CF- I want her to be able to breathe- Exasperated and tired. If you guys tell me there is no reason to worry w/those low numbers, I won't bother you again-thanks for everything-I understand the anxiety of not knowing and just not being able to make your baby well no matter what you do-you start to feel like it's your fault she's sick. kelly.