Riley James *Dec 3, 2007*


New member
I haven't written since I had the baby so here is my chance to tell my story...
I had a c-section and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (even though I would have liked to have him natural). My C-section was scheduled for 1:30 on December 3 and they had told me that it was going to be about an hour to hour and a half. So that was what I was expecting. They brought me into the room and I got over onto the other table so they could put the spinal in, then they laid me down and got everything all ready and my fiance was out getting dressed and they put the sheet up in front of me and the nurse asked me if I could feel anything shap twice and I told her no and then the next thing I knew my fiance came in and about 4 mins after he came in we heard our sons first cry (that is when I lost it and started crying myself) and then they sewed me up and it was done. The doctor was even surprised at how long the surgey took cause it only took 20 mins. and he said he was taking his time. He had a little fluid on his lungs which they said was normal with a c-section so they were going to watch him for a few mins and they wheeled me into the recovery room and my fiance was already there waiting and about a minute later they brought our son in and handed him to my fiance. They said that as soon as I felt like I could hold him that it would be ok so I let my fiance hold him for about 4-5 mins and then he gave him to me so he could go tell everyone and show him the pics he took in the recovery room. While he was gone the nurses came back to check on me and they were surprised at how good I was doing cause I was holding him and the spinal started to wear off after about an hour (you have to spend 2 hours in recovery till you can do certin movements like lifting your legs and bending your legs). They gave me percocet (by mouth) every 4 hours and a strong ibprophen (through the iv) every 6 hours for pain and then whenever I needed it after that. The only time I needed it was after it wore off and then I coughed then I needed it because it hurt but that was only for the first 2 days after surgery. I got to go home on December 7th. Our son Riley James weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. He was also born 2 weeks early and he is still doing great!


New member
I haven't written since I had the baby so here is my chance to tell my story...
I had a c-section and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (even though I would have liked to have him natural). My C-section was scheduled for 1:30 on December 3 and they had told me that it was going to be about an hour to hour and a half. So that was what I was expecting. They brought me into the room and I got over onto the other table so they could put the spinal in, then they laid me down and got everything all ready and my fiance was out getting dressed and they put the sheet up in front of me and the nurse asked me if I could feel anything shap twice and I told her no and then the next thing I knew my fiance came in and about 4 mins after he came in we heard our sons first cry (that is when I lost it and started crying myself) and then they sewed me up and it was done. The doctor was even surprised at how long the surgey took cause it only took 20 mins. and he said he was taking his time. He had a little fluid on his lungs which they said was normal with a c-section so they were going to watch him for a few mins and they wheeled me into the recovery room and my fiance was already there waiting and about a minute later they brought our son in and handed him to my fiance. They said that as soon as I felt like I could hold him that it would be ok so I let my fiance hold him for about 4-5 mins and then he gave him to me so he could go tell everyone and show him the pics he took in the recovery room. While he was gone the nurses came back to check on me and they were surprised at how good I was doing cause I was holding him and the spinal started to wear off after about an hour (you have to spend 2 hours in recovery till you can do certin movements like lifting your legs and bending your legs). They gave me percocet (by mouth) every 4 hours and a strong ibprophen (through the iv) every 6 hours for pain and then whenever I needed it after that. The only time I needed it was after it wore off and then I coughed then I needed it because it hurt but that was only for the first 2 days after surgery. I got to go home on December 7th. Our son Riley James weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. He was also born 2 weeks early and he is still doing great!


New member
I haven't written since I had the baby so here is my chance to tell my story...
I had a c-section and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (even though I would have liked to have him natural). My C-section was scheduled for 1:30 on December 3 and they had told me that it was going to be about an hour to hour and a half. So that was what I was expecting. They brought me into the room and I got over onto the other table so they could put the spinal in, then they laid me down and got everything all ready and my fiance was out getting dressed and they put the sheet up in front of me and the nurse asked me if I could feel anything shap twice and I told her no and then the next thing I knew my fiance came in and about 4 mins after he came in we heard our sons first cry (that is when I lost it and started crying myself) and then they sewed me up and it was done. The doctor was even surprised at how long the surgey took cause it only took 20 mins. and he said he was taking his time. He had a little fluid on his lungs which they said was normal with a c-section so they were going to watch him for a few mins and they wheeled me into the recovery room and my fiance was already there waiting and about a minute later they brought our son in and handed him to my fiance. They said that as soon as I felt like I could hold him that it would be ok so I let my fiance hold him for about 4-5 mins and then he gave him to me so he could go tell everyone and show him the pics he took in the recovery room. While he was gone the nurses came back to check on me and they were surprised at how good I was doing cause I was holding him and the spinal started to wear off after about an hour (you have to spend 2 hours in recovery till you can do certin movements like lifting your legs and bending your legs). They gave me percocet (by mouth) every 4 hours and a strong ibprophen (through the iv) every 6 hours for pain and then whenever I needed it after that. The only time I needed it was after it wore off and then I coughed then I needed it because it hurt but that was only for the first 2 days after surgery. I got to go home on December 7th. Our son Riley James weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. He was also born 2 weeks early and he is still doing great!


New member
I haven't written since I had the baby so here is my chance to tell my story...
I had a c-section and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (even though I would have liked to have him natural). My C-section was scheduled for 1:30 on December 3 and they had told me that it was going to be about an hour to hour and a half. So that was what I was expecting. They brought me into the room and I got over onto the other table so they could put the spinal in, then they laid me down and got everything all ready and my fiance was out getting dressed and they put the sheet up in front of me and the nurse asked me if I could feel anything shap twice and I told her no and then the next thing I knew my fiance came in and about 4 mins after he came in we heard our sons first cry (that is when I lost it and started crying myself) and then they sewed me up and it was done. The doctor was even surprised at how long the surgey took cause it only took 20 mins. and he said he was taking his time. He had a little fluid on his lungs which they said was normal with a c-section so they were going to watch him for a few mins and they wheeled me into the recovery room and my fiance was already there waiting and about a minute later they brought our son in and handed him to my fiance. They said that as soon as I felt like I could hold him that it would be ok so I let my fiance hold him for about 4-5 mins and then he gave him to me so he could go tell everyone and show him the pics he took in the recovery room. While he was gone the nurses came back to check on me and they were surprised at how good I was doing cause I was holding him and the spinal started to wear off after about an hour (you have to spend 2 hours in recovery till you can do certin movements like lifting your legs and bending your legs). They gave me percocet (by mouth) every 4 hours and a strong ibprophen (through the iv) every 6 hours for pain and then whenever I needed it after that. The only time I needed it was after it wore off and then I coughed then I needed it because it hurt but that was only for the first 2 days after surgery. I got to go home on December 7th. Our son Riley James weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. He was also born 2 weeks early and he is still doing great!


New member
I haven't written since I had the baby so here is my chance to tell my story...
I had a c-section and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (even though I would have liked to have him natural). My C-section was scheduled for 1:30 on December 3 and they had told me that it was going to be about an hour to hour and a half. So that was what I was expecting. They brought me into the room and I got over onto the other table so they could put the spinal in, then they laid me down and got everything all ready and my fiance was out getting dressed and they put the sheet up in front of me and the nurse asked me if I could feel anything shap twice and I told her no and then the next thing I knew my fiance came in and about 4 mins after he came in we heard our sons first cry (that is when I lost it and started crying myself) and then they sewed me up and it was done. The doctor was even surprised at how long the surgey took cause it only took 20 mins. and he said he was taking his time. He had a little fluid on his lungs which they said was normal with a c-section so they were going to watch him for a few mins and they wheeled me into the recovery room and my fiance was already there waiting and about a minute later they brought our son in and handed him to my fiance. They said that as soon as I felt like I could hold him that it would be ok so I let my fiance hold him for about 4-5 mins and then he gave him to me so he could go tell everyone and show him the pics he took in the recovery room. While he was gone the nurses came back to check on me and they were surprised at how good I was doing cause I was holding him and the spinal started to wear off after about an hour (you have to spend 2 hours in recovery till you can do certin movements like lifting your legs and bending your legs). They gave me percocet (by mouth) every 4 hours and a strong ibprophen (through the iv) every 6 hours for pain and then whenever I needed it after that. The only time I needed it was after it wore off and then I coughed then I needed it because it hurt but that was only for the first 2 days after surgery. I got to go home on December 7th. Our son Riley James weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. He was also born 2 weeks early and he is still doing great!


New member
Great story! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well. May I ask why did they schedule the c-section two weeks before your due date? I recall the baby was breech and this was the reason for the surgery birth but was the baby in distress or something that they did it early?


New member
Great story! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well. May I ask why did they schedule the c-section two weeks before your due date? I recall the baby was breech and this was the reason for the surgery birth but was the baby in distress or something that they did it early?


New member
Great story! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well. May I ask why did they schedule the c-section two weeks before your due date? I recall the baby was breech and this was the reason for the surgery birth but was the baby in distress or something that they did it early?


New member
Great story! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well. May I ask why did they schedule the c-section two weeks before your due date? I recall the baby was breech and this was the reason for the surgery birth but was the baby in distress or something that they did it early?


New member
Great story! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well. May I ask why did they schedule the c-section two weeks before your due date? I recall the baby was breech and this was the reason for the surgery birth but was the baby in distress or something that they did it early?


New member
Yay! Another CFer with a positive elective c-section success story! Fantastic birth story. It sounds A LOT like mine! All in all, my c-section was a breeze and I can't imagine giving birth any other way.

Welcome to the world Riley James! What a handsome name! He is a great size for 38 weeks. Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing! Any pics up online??? Post a link!


New member
Yay! Another CFer with a positive elective c-section success story! Fantastic birth story. It sounds A LOT like mine! All in all, my c-section was a breeze and I can't imagine giving birth any other way.

Welcome to the world Riley James! What a handsome name! He is a great size for 38 weeks. Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing! Any pics up online??? Post a link!


New member
Yay! Another CFer with a positive elective c-section success story! Fantastic birth story. It sounds A LOT like mine! All in all, my c-section was a breeze and I can't imagine giving birth any other way.

Welcome to the world Riley James! What a handsome name! He is a great size for 38 weeks. Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing! Any pics up online??? Post a link!


New member
Yay! Another CFer with a positive elective c-section success story! Fantastic birth story. It sounds A LOT like mine! All in all, my c-section was a breeze and I can't imagine giving birth any other way.

Welcome to the world Riley James! What a handsome name! He is a great size for 38 weeks. Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing! Any pics up online??? Post a link!


New member
Yay! Another CFer with a positive elective c-section success story! Fantastic birth story. It sounds A LOT like mine! All in all, my c-section was a breeze and I can't imagine giving birth any other way.

Welcome to the world Riley James! What a handsome name! He is a great size for 38 weeks. Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing! Any pics up online??? Post a link!


Congratulations on your little guy! He is a nice size, how wonderful! You did great mama!


Congratulations on your little guy! He is a nice size, how wonderful! You did great mama!


Congratulations on your little guy! He is a nice size, how wonderful! You did great mama!


Congratulations on your little guy! He is a nice size, how wonderful! You did great mama!


Congratulations on your little guy! He is a nice size, how wonderful! You did great mama!