Running and CF


Super Moderator
I run frequently and have run a few races before. Maggie is 5 1/2 with CF and wanted to run a kids "fun run" which is a one mile race for kids. She does not know how to pace herself at all. She went out full speed at the beginning, I never saw her get so short of breath, we'ld rest or I'ld pick her up then she'ld again go out full speed. I was trying to teach her how to breathe through her nose out her mouth to conserve energy. She even said it hurt to breath. She did finish the race , I don't remember her time in ? 13 minutes. First off, I am SOOOO proud of her. At one point in the race she said"I don't care if I win anymore mom" I looked at her and said"It doesn't matter if you win, you just need to finish, that's what I do" My heart almost popped out of my chest in pride that she assumed she would win the race. Any how, those with CF who run, the way she felt is this normal? Will she be able to do stuff like track and field? She doesn't use an albuterol inhaler(just a albuterol neb). Would something like a albuterol inhaler help her with the SOB from running? When I first started running I remember it being hard; my chest hurt, I wasn't in good cardiac condition; now I am so it's hard to remember if this is normal stuff for Maggie never running before or CF related or both.


Super Moderator
I run frequently and have run a few races before. Maggie is 5 1/2 with CF and wanted to run a kids "fun run" which is a one mile race for kids. She does not know how to pace herself at all. She went out full speed at the beginning, I never saw her get so short of breath, we'ld rest or I'ld pick her up then she'ld again go out full speed. I was trying to teach her how to breathe through her nose out her mouth to conserve energy. She even said it hurt to breath. She did finish the race , I don't remember her time in ? 13 minutes. First off, I am SOOOO proud of her. At one point in the race she said"I don't care if I win anymore mom" I looked at her and said"It doesn't matter if you win, you just need to finish, that's what I do" My heart almost popped out of my chest in pride that she assumed she would win the race. Any how, those with CF who run, the way she felt is this normal? Will she be able to do stuff like track and field? She doesn't use an albuterol inhaler(just a albuterol neb). Would something like a albuterol inhaler help her with the SOB from running? When I first started running I remember it being hard; my chest hurt, I wasn't in good cardiac condition; now I am so it's hard to remember if this is normal stuff for Maggie never running before or CF related or both.


Super Moderator
I run frequently and have run a few races before. Maggie is 5 1/2 with CF and wanted to run a kids "fun run" which is a one mile race for kids. She does not know how to pace herself at all. She went out full speed at the beginning, I never saw her get so short of breath, we'ld rest or I'ld pick her up then she'ld again go out full speed. I was trying to teach her how to breathe through her nose out her mouth to conserve energy. She even said it hurt to breath. She did finish the race , I don't remember her time in ? 13 minutes. First off, I am SOOOO proud of her. At one point in the race she said"I don't care if I win anymore mom" I looked at her and said"It doesn't matter if you win, you just need to finish, that's what I do" My heart almost popped out of my chest in pride that she assumed she would win the race. Any how, those with CF who run, the way she felt is this normal? Will she be able to do stuff like track and field? She doesn't use an albuterol inhaler(just a albuterol neb). Would something like a albuterol inhaler help her with the SOB from running? When I first started running I remember it being hard; my chest hurt, I wasn't in good cardiac condition; now I am so it's hard to remember if this is normal stuff for Maggie never running before or CF related or both.


Super Moderator
I run frequently and have run a few races before. Maggie is 5 1/2 with CF and wanted to run a kids "fun run" which is a one mile race for kids. She does not know how to pace herself at all. She went out full speed at the beginning, I never saw her get so short of breath, we'ld rest or I'ld pick her up then she'ld again go out full speed. I was trying to teach her how to breathe through her nose out her mouth to conserve energy. She even said it hurt to breath. She did finish the race , I don't remember her time in ? 13 minutes. First off, I am SOOOO proud of her. At one point in the race she said"I don't care if I win anymore mom" I looked at her and said"It doesn't matter if you win, you just need to finish, that's what I do" My heart almost popped out of my chest in pride that she assumed she would win the race. Any how, those with CF who run, the way she felt is this normal? Will she be able to do stuff like track and field? She doesn't use an albuterol inhaler(just a albuterol neb). Would something like a albuterol inhaler help her with the SOB from running? When I first started running I remember it being hard; my chest hurt, I wasn't in good cardiac condition; now I am so it's hard to remember if this is normal stuff for Maggie never running before or CF related or both.


Super Moderator
I run frequently and have run a few races before. Maggie is 5 1/2 with CF and wanted to run a kids "fun run" which is a one mile race for kids. She does not know how to pace herself at all. She went out full speed at the beginning, I never saw her get so short of breath, we'ld rest or I'ld pick her up then she'ld again go out full speed. I was trying to teach her how to breathe through her nose out her mouth to conserve energy. She even said it hurt to breath. She did finish the race , I don't remember her time in ? 13 minutes. First off, I am SOOOO proud of her. At one point in the race she said"I don't care if I win anymore mom" I looked at her and said"It doesn't matter if you win, you just need to finish, that's what I do" My heart almost popped out of my chest in pride that she assumed she would win the race. Any how, those with CF who run, the way she felt is this normal? Will she be able to do stuff like track and field? She doesn't use an albuterol inhaler(just a albuterol neb). Would something like a albuterol inhaler help her with the SOB from running? When I first started running I remember it being hard; my chest hurt, I wasn't in good cardiac condition; now I am so it's hard to remember if this is normal stuff for Maggie never running before or CF related or both.


Super Moderator
I don't know the answers to your questions, but thought you might be interested in this article

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

It is about a girl with CF in the UK doing well on her track team.


Super Moderator
I don't know the answers to your questions, but thought you might be interested in this article

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

It is about a girl with CF in the UK doing well on her track team.


Super Moderator
I don't know the answers to your questions, but thought you might be interested in this article

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

It is about a girl with CF in the UK doing well on her track team.


Super Moderator
I don't know the answers to your questions, but thought you might be interested in this article

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

It is about a girl with CF in the UK doing well on her track team.


Super Moderator
I don't know the answers to your questions, but thought you might be interested in this article
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
<br />
<br />It is about a girl with CF in the UK doing well on her track team.


New member
First off congrats to her for doing a great job. What you have to remember is running distance is something you have to build upon. When I use to do tri-athlons I would always run distance at a slow speed to build up endurance first and time second. If this is something she wants to do, set pace goals for her, run next to her and say we are going to run to this location but stay with me, so that gives you the pace. And build upon it, the more you run the easier it will get for her, right now she is on kid energy and not endurance.

A treatment would open up her airways, but it is like you said she may just may not be used to this type of exercise. But over time it will get easier for her. 13 mins, is blazing speed for a 5 year old.



New member
First off congrats to her for doing a great job. What you have to remember is running distance is something you have to build upon. When I use to do tri-athlons I would always run distance at a slow speed to build up endurance first and time second. If this is something she wants to do, set pace goals for her, run next to her and say we are going to run to this location but stay with me, so that gives you the pace. And build upon it, the more you run the easier it will get for her, right now she is on kid energy and not endurance.

A treatment would open up her airways, but it is like you said she may just may not be used to this type of exercise. But over time it will get easier for her. 13 mins, is blazing speed for a 5 year old.



New member
First off congrats to her for doing a great job. What you have to remember is running distance is something you have to build upon. When I use to do tri-athlons I would always run distance at a slow speed to build up endurance first and time second. If this is something she wants to do, set pace goals for her, run next to her and say we are going to run to this location but stay with me, so that gives you the pace. And build upon it, the more you run the easier it will get for her, right now she is on kid energy and not endurance.

A treatment would open up her airways, but it is like you said she may just may not be used to this type of exercise. But over time it will get easier for her. 13 mins, is blazing speed for a 5 year old.



New member
First off congrats to her for doing a great job. What you have to remember is running distance is something you have to build upon. When I use to do tri-athlons I would always run distance at a slow speed to build up endurance first and time second. If this is something she wants to do, set pace goals for her, run next to her and say we are going to run to this location but stay with me, so that gives you the pace. And build upon it, the more you run the easier it will get for her, right now she is on kid energy and not endurance.

A treatment would open up her airways, but it is like you said she may just may not be used to this type of exercise. But over time it will get easier for her. 13 mins, is blazing speed for a 5 year old.



New member
First off congrats to her for doing a great job. What you have to remember is running distance is something you have to build upon. When I use to do tri-athlons I would always run distance at a slow speed to build up endurance first and time second. If this is something she wants to do, set pace goals for her, run next to her and say we are going to run to this location but stay with me, so that gives you the pace. And build upon it, the more you run the easier it will get for her, right now she is on kid energy and not endurance.
<br />
<br />A treatment would open up her airways, but it is like you said she may just may not be used to this type of exercise. But over time it will get easier for her. 13 mins, is blazing speed for a 5 year old.
<br />
<br />Chuck


New member
It sounds to me like she just needs to learn to pace herself. Anyone is going to get SOB and have that burning feeling in their chest if they blast off at top speed in a distance race. When I was in track I found that I was a better sprinter. That could also be the case for her. It is however a good idea to use some albuterol before excersise. Ask the doctor about a metered dose inhaler (MDI).

P.S. I did manage to do a 10 minute mile at my volleyball try-outs. I was proud of myself for that!


New member
It sounds to me like she just needs to learn to pace herself. Anyone is going to get SOB and have that burning feeling in their chest if they blast off at top speed in a distance race. When I was in track I found that I was a better sprinter. That could also be the case for her. It is however a good idea to use some albuterol before excersise. Ask the doctor about a metered dose inhaler (MDI).

P.S. I did manage to do a 10 minute mile at my volleyball try-outs. I was proud of myself for that!


New member
It sounds to me like she just needs to learn to pace herself. Anyone is going to get SOB and have that burning feeling in their chest if they blast off at top speed in a distance race. When I was in track I found that I was a better sprinter. That could also be the case for her. It is however a good idea to use some albuterol before excersise. Ask the doctor about a metered dose inhaler (MDI).

P.S. I did manage to do a 10 minute mile at my volleyball try-outs. I was proud of myself for that!


New member
It sounds to me like she just needs to learn to pace herself. Anyone is going to get SOB and have that burning feeling in their chest if they blast off at top speed in a distance race. When I was in track I found that I was a better sprinter. That could also be the case for her. It is however a good idea to use some albuterol before excersise. Ask the doctor about a metered dose inhaler (MDI).

P.S. I did manage to do a 10 minute mile at my volleyball try-outs. I was proud of myself for that!


New member
It sounds to me like she just needs to learn to pace herself. Anyone is going to get SOB and have that burning feeling in their chest if they blast off at top speed in a distance race. When I was in track I found that I was a better sprinter. That could also be the case for her. It is however a good idea to use some albuterol before excersise. Ask the doctor about a metered dose inhaler (MDI).
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<br />P.S. I did manage to do a 10 minute mile at my volleyball try-outs. I was proud of myself for that!