Runny nose, cold symptoms...


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I like to think that I'm fairly confident when it comes to dealing with DS and his cf and then he gets a cold or something and I'm a complete, panicstricken mess. DH had a cold last week and we noticed this weekend that DS was sneezing and his nose started to run. His nose rarely runs -- it's like his boogies are glue and never come out.

Well last night DS's nose runs like crazy but it's clear and he's a litte clingy, whiney. So after his bath, shortly before bed I notice he seems a little warm and his temp, which is normally 97 -- is 99.9. Nothing major by any means, but I go into panic mode. I gave him tylenol and it pretty much works instantly. cool as a cucumber all night long. Doesn't seem overly congested, breathing isn't fast. But I'm a worrier and I start worrying all night long -- what if.... What if it's not a cold. What if it's RSV. What if it's the flu.... What if....

This morning he wasn't feverish. He didn't want to go to daycare, but he has a new bed and he'd rather play in that than go to school. I normally don't take him to daycare, DH does, so this morning he's kinda whiney, says "I no go to school" "I KICK school".

So am I being a complete idiot and worrying over nothing? In the back of my mind I hear this doctor who shortly after DS was diagnosed tells us to "keep an eye on colds 'cuz they can turn into something much worse".....

Liza mom to a 2 1/2 year old


New member
If it were me, I would just keep an eye on him for a few days, unless he starts to get really bad. When Danny gets a cold I always think I will miss seeing some serious symptom that means he is getting something worse. I am also a big believer in the mom instinct, if something just doesn't feel right, get it checked out.
Better safe than sorry. Hope he feesl better soon!



New member
My spouse feels the same way when our 3 year old w/CF shows any sign of ailment so you're not alone in worrying. I think by "keep an eye on colds", they're saying to not let them get too horrible before calling the Dr. for an appointment. We tend to not call the CF Dr. unless it goes longer than a typical 2-week cold or has what sounds like bad chest congestion; we just add albuterol to the daily regimen and make sure we keep the CPT/vest on a tight schedule - this is because we feel like the CF Dr.s are a bit too quick to throw antibiotics at every sniffle. Sometimes we check with the pediatrician's office instead of the CF doctors to find out if there is a bug going around the preschool set to get an idea of whether there's anything to be worrying about.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I like to think that I'm fairly confident when it comes to dealing with DS and his cf and then he gets a cold or something and I'm a complete, panicstricken mess. DH had a cold last week and we noticed this weekend that DS was sneezing and his nose started to run. His nose rarely runs -- it's like his boogies are glue and never come out.

Well last night DS's nose runs like crazy but it's clear and he's a litte clingy, whiney. So after his bath, shortly before bed I notice he seems a little warm and his temp, which is normally 97 -- is 99.9. Nothing major by any means, but I go into panic mode. I gave him tylenol and it pretty much works instantly. cool as a cucumber all night long. Doesn't seem overly congested, breathing isn't fast. But I'm a worrier and I start worrying all night long -- what if.... What if it's not a cold. What if it's RSV. What if it's the flu.... What if....

This morning he wasn't feverish. He didn't want to go to daycare, but he has a new bed and he'd rather play in that than go to school. I normally don't take him to daycare, DH does, so this morning he's kinda whiney, says "I no go to school" "I KICK school".

So am I being a complete idiot and worrying over nothing? In the back of my mind I hear this doctor who shortly after DS was diagnosed tells us to "keep an eye on colds 'cuz they can turn into something much worse".....

Liza mom to a 2 1/2 year old</end quote></div>

Hi Liza

My youngest daughter has CF - she is almost 2 1/2. I'm just like you so you're not alone! I guess all this is just new to us but it is natural 2 worry. It's just cos we luv 'em so much! Hope he is feeling better soon.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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The daycare director is pretty good about letting everyone know what germs/bugs are going around and sending kids home if they're sick. So if something's up with DS, she'll give me a call.

I did talk to DH later in the morning who said that DS hasn't wanted to go to school/daycare, the past few days, but is fine once he gets there. Last time I took him a few weeks ago, he practically threw me out the door and said GO! Toddlers!

I'm just a worrier. Liza


New member
This is just one of my biggest challenges. Even though my girls CF dx came almost 7 years ago, I still get so confused as to when something is really going on and when it's just a cold. My older daughter coughs a lot with her sinus drainage, and instead of always putting her on antibiotics (which I don't being unnecessarily being done) I was told to 'treat the symptoms' by our CF clinic. Not a problem. So last summer she had a bad cough going, which I had assumed was sinus drainage, I treated the symptoms. Well, we go to our normal 3 month check up about 1 week after the symptoms started, and the poor girl had pneumonia! Boy did I feel like a bad mommy!! I would had never known, she was still active as usual and not complaining. Now I really never know when to call because I just cannot tell the differences in the coughs yet. I have been trying to be much more observant of them since then, and feel like I may be getting better. But I find this such a challenge!!!
Mom to two CF girls.


New member
Hi Liza,

Hope your little one feels better soon. i know when Maggie gets a cold and has a runny nose, it can take up to 10 days for her nose to stop running. If she does not have a fever and is not coughing I let the cold run it's course and just up the CPT and nebs, you know the deal. But, I worry like crazy, I can't help it. If she starts to cough, is up at night coughing then I'm pretty sure she's having a flare-up. Then we're on the phone with her pulmonlogist.

I'll tell ya though, the worry is exhausting. Maggie recently got over a flare-up of her CF, was on anti's at home for 2 weeks. I didn't realize how exhausted I was til the 2 weeks were done. Maggie's better, phew but I used up alot of energy worrying. Not sure what to do about that.

Take care,
Rebecca(mom to Sammy 7 no CF and MAggie 3 with CF)


New member
I feel the same way and I know I worry and think what if.. what if... and pray it doesnt turn into a hospital stay. I also know I can worry my self sick and I have to find that fine line of inbetween caution and a (panic stricken mess )easier said than done.I hope all is well for you guys , Damiens got running a fever but grumpy and having a sinus issue and I am watching closely hes a little better today ,we go to clinic the 10th so i am finding a little comfort in the fact that I will be able to speak to hes cf doctor soon. And you aint the only one who worries like that sister. God Bless<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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I tend to go with the idea that clear=ok for now, green = bad and do something about it. In saying that if my girls have clear running fluids for a few days and it's accompanied by a moist cough then I go to the CF clinic for a check up to be safe.

Anon does your DS have his 2 year old teeth all through yet - if not it could actually be them coming through as it causes an excess of saliva and fluids and can also bring on a slight temp.


New member
Other than Monday night, hasn't run fever. Doesn't seem too congested, is eating, playing and drinking okay. Made me a little nervous yesterday when I picked him up from daycare 'cuz he coughed -- once. He normally doesn't cough.

I guess what makes me a little nervous is that although he's had his flu shot -- apparently influenza has hit our area fairly hard in the past few weeks. A coworker's husband, who had his flu shot got the flu and was miserable. Now we do have a script for Tamilflu at the pharmacy in the event ds would get early symptoms of the flu -- should it be going around the house, school, etc. and he starts to show symptoms, but usually with the flu there's a high fever, cough, headache....

I guess I'm just being my usually worry-wart self. Just a reminder that he's got CF. Liza


New member
Oh and it very well could be teeth. He never really had any teething issues, but lately he's been gnawing on everything and he did try to bite someone last week. He recently got some molars on the bottom, hard to tell if he's getting any up top. Liza


New member
I don't think you are over-worrying, I am the same way with my daughter who is almost 3. I personally might wonder if he just has some sinus congestion bc if the weather where you are is anything like it is where we are (warm one day, cold/rainy the next) then that is very possible.

My daughter has had 3 viruses this winter and has gotten over them very easily BUT each time she gets sick, we pretty much keep her in isolation from the outside world for a couple of days after her symptoms are gone. This works for us and not for everyone but it does seem to help avoid secondary infections.

Also, just an FYI - I was told that it is best to use Ibuprophen (Advil, Motrin, etc) rather than Acetominophin (Tylenol) -ignore my SP on both of those, lol bc the Ibuprophen is an anti-imflammatory so it can actually help reduce the mucus/inflamation...Tylenol isn't bad, but Motrin etc might be even better.

Hope your son is doing well! Thank goodness cold/flu season is almost over!!!!


New member
I know exactly what you mean. B has a runny nose, coughing-- just started out of the blue today. I worry sick and think constantly about it. It seems like if he just goes outside if it is a little chilly he gets that cough and runny nose, sounds over protective, but true. Today he was out, my husband asks"was he outside today?" He knows as well as I do how it affects him. I hope your little one gets better soon. It is so nice to have this site and know that there are people out there witht he same issues and know what you are talking about, unlike people without ckildren with cf.