runny nose in baby


New member

I have a seventh month old baby with CF. Today I noticed he has a runny nose (clear). I am so nervous because so far he has never had a cold or anything. He did culture pseudo a month ago, and they treated with TOBI and cipro and we will go next month to see if it has been eradicated as they have hoped. Since we have no other children I don't know if this runny nose is CF related, or just a normal baby cold. We also live in an area where allergies are bad, and his dad and I have both been feeling the allergies lately. I plan to call the doctor tommorrow, but I just wanted some opinions from those who have been therre on what you think about a runny nose. Are you usually worried, or is this normal?



New member
Hi Carrie, i wouldn't be too worried about a clear runy nose, mydaughter is 17 months and always has a runnny nose during cold and allergy season. The docs have said its quiet normal and yes, even chn wo/cf will get it.

However, if you realy do feel concerned and uncomfortable it doesn't hurt to give clinic a call and ask them about the runny nose.

I don't know that culturing pseudo a month ago would have anything to do with it, although i assume not.

Take care and keep us posted.

Eli (not logged in)


New member
Our boy who is 1, today in fact, has had runny noses in the past and they have been as a result of many different germs. Yes it could be normal in a baby, our daughter, no CF, had many colds as a baby, almost a runny nose constantly.
Get it checked out, we get every cold,runny nose, hoarseness diarrhear checked out as soon as, not that we get worried, well not as much now, we like to be as proactive as we can.
Don't ever think that you are being a nuisence about a wee cold, that you don't get it checked, get it checked, make yourself known to the drs and nurses, build that relationship.


Staff member
DS has gotten a clear runny nose and sometimes it turns into a head cold or sinus infection, sometimes it goes away. Probably allergies or Tobi. I have noticed that when he's been on Tobi, he seems a bit stuffier and his nose gets more boogery.

I think the key is making sure it doesn't turn into something worse. Keep your child hydrated, maybe use saline nasal spray, wash hands frequently if he's digging in his nose. Last April DS's head cold turned into an upper respiratory infection and he had to be put on some antibiotics 'cuz he developed a junky cough. Liza


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>


I have a seventh month old baby with CF. Today I noticed he has a runny nose (clear). I am so nervous because so far he has never had a cold or anything. He did culture pseudo a month ago, and they treated with TOBI and cipro and we will go next month to see if it has been eradicated as they have hoped. Since we have no other children I don't know if this runny nose is CF related, or just a normal baby cold. We also live in an area where allergies are bad, and his dad and I have both been feeling the allergies lately. I plan to call the doctor tommorrow, but I just wanted some opinions from those who have been therre on what you think about a runny nose. Are you usually worried, or is this normal?


Carrie</end quote></div>

Hi Carrie, don't be nervous. As long as your baby has a clear runny nose, then that should be ok. I would start worrying if your baby starts coughing or shows seen of wheeziness, breathlessness. If ever you are in doubt though I would call the doctor, just follow your instincts, and trust them!

Take it easy.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Should have put "shows signs of wheeziness" - sorry - getting tired now!

Let us know how your baby is doing.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter aged 1 currently has a runny nose and have since developed a cough so she is on an extra orla anti - bio..... (this is because viral infections can lead to bacterial) My son 3yrs wocf also has a runny nose and cough so dont worry its normal..


New member
I used to get worried about Mikayla's runnyh noses at that age...she would get the clear runny nose and slightly crackly cough a couple of times a day. As a new mother dealing with CF as well it was all too confusing. It actually turned out she was just teething! When babies are teething they produce more mucous and this generates symptoms such as clear runny noses, crackly cough and LOTS of dribbling. So there is a good chance that you don't have much to worry about....However if you are worried (as I stated I always was) then check with your GP, that way they can listen to your babies chest and reassure you it sounds clear. If the runny nose changes from clear to cloudy then yoou will probably need to act.

Trust me when I say calmness only comes with experience. I am sure you are doing a great job.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. My son actually got his first tooth! The runny nose has completely stopped as well. He is still coughing, but only after meals. I did call the CF center for peace of mind, and they said up the CPT to 3-4 times a day but they didn't seem too concerned. They said if I still concerned after a week I can bring him in to have his throat swabbed. Thanks for all the advice!

Mom to Sam