sad son


New member
My son 6 diag in april is having a very hard time w/ the vest. He wants to play and not do the vest which i have not allowed him to miss.....the other night he woke up dreaming and saying he didnt want to do it. please dont make me do it mommy so i know that he is having a very hard time w/ this. Any suggesstions? Also almost everytime we are doing the vest he complains of stomach pain and is on prevacid for acid ref.....


New member
My son 6 diag in april is having a very hard time w/ the vest. He wants to play and not do the vest which i have not allowed him to miss.....the other night he woke up dreaming and saying he didnt want to do it. please dont make me do it mommy so i know that he is having a very hard time w/ this. Any suggesstions? Also almost everytime we are doing the vest he complains of stomach pain and is on prevacid for acid ref.....


New member
My son 6 diag in april is having a very hard time w/ the vest. He wants to play and not do the vest which i have not allowed him to miss.....the other night he woke up dreaming and saying he didnt want to do it. please dont make me do it mommy so i know that he is having a very hard time w/ this. Any suggesstions? Also almost everytime we are doing the vest he complains of stomach pain and is on prevacid for acid ref.....


New member
My son 6 diag in april is having a very hard time w/ the vest. He wants to play and not do the vest which i have not allowed him to miss.....the other night he woke up dreaming and saying he didnt want to do it. please dont make me do it mommy so i know that he is having a very hard time w/ this. Any suggesstions? Also almost everytime we are doing the vest he complains of stomach pain and is on prevacid for acid ref.....


New member
My son 6 diag in april is having a very hard time w/ the vest. He wants to play and not do the vest which i have not allowed him to miss.....the other night he woke up dreaming and saying he didnt want to do it. please dont make me do it mommy so i know that he is having a very hard time w/ this. Any suggesstions? Also almost everytime we are doing the vest he complains of stomach pain and is on prevacid for acid ref.....


Digital opinion leader
I don't have any suggestions about the vest, but I think if you repost this on the families or adults sections you'll get some advice.

Good luck


Digital opinion leader
I don't have any suggestions about the vest, but I think if you repost this on the families or adults sections you'll get some advice.

Good luck


Digital opinion leader
I don't have any suggestions about the vest, but I think if you repost this on the families or adults sections you'll get some advice.

Good luck


Digital opinion leader
I don't have any suggestions about the vest, but I think if you repost this on the families or adults sections you'll get some advice.

Good luck


Digital opinion leader
I don't have any suggestions about the vest, but I think if you repost this on the families or adults sections you'll get some advice.

Good luck


New member
Hi there-I know your son is young, but I think maybe you should talk to him about it and see if you can find out why he is afraid of it. Since he was recently dx, maybe he is feeling your sadness? I'm really not trying to blame you, so please don't take offense. I'm just saying that sometimes as parents we project our fears unknowingly to our kiddos. If it is something he feels you are sad about doing, he may be afraid it is bad.

Maybe try something fun during vest time so that he can associate it with happy events. Play a game or watch his favorite video etc. If he is having bad dreams about it, you are right, it scares him. The vest is so important to his health, so I hope you can turn this around for him. Hang in there!



New member
Hi there-I know your son is young, but I think maybe you should talk to him about it and see if you can find out why he is afraid of it. Since he was recently dx, maybe he is feeling your sadness? I'm really not trying to blame you, so please don't take offense. I'm just saying that sometimes as parents we project our fears unknowingly to our kiddos. If it is something he feels you are sad about doing, he may be afraid it is bad.

Maybe try something fun during vest time so that he can associate it with happy events. Play a game or watch his favorite video etc. If he is having bad dreams about it, you are right, it scares him. The vest is so important to his health, so I hope you can turn this around for him. Hang in there!



New member
Hi there-I know your son is young, but I think maybe you should talk to him about it and see if you can find out why he is afraid of it. Since he was recently dx, maybe he is feeling your sadness? I'm really not trying to blame you, so please don't take offense. I'm just saying that sometimes as parents we project our fears unknowingly to our kiddos. If it is something he feels you are sad about doing, he may be afraid it is bad.

Maybe try something fun during vest time so that he can associate it with happy events. Play a game or watch his favorite video etc. If he is having bad dreams about it, you are right, it scares him. The vest is so important to his health, so I hope you can turn this around for him. Hang in there!



New member
Hi there-I know your son is young, but I think maybe you should talk to him about it and see if you can find out why he is afraid of it. Since he was recently dx, maybe he is feeling your sadness? I'm really not trying to blame you, so please don't take offense. I'm just saying that sometimes as parents we project our fears unknowingly to our kiddos. If it is something he feels you are sad about doing, he may be afraid it is bad.

Maybe try something fun during vest time so that he can associate it with happy events. Play a game or watch his favorite video etc. If he is having bad dreams about it, you are right, it scares him. The vest is so important to his health, so I hope you can turn this around for him. Hang in there!



New member
Hi there-I know your son is young, but I think maybe you should talk to him about it and see if you can find out why he is afraid of it. Since he was recently dx, maybe he is feeling your sadness? I'm really not trying to blame you, so please don't take offense. I'm just saying that sometimes as parents we project our fears unknowingly to our kiddos. If it is something he feels you are sad about doing, he may be afraid it is bad.

Maybe try something fun during vest time so that he can associate it with happy events. Play a game or watch his favorite video etc. If he is having bad dreams about it, you are right, it scares him. The vest is so important to his health, so I hope you can turn this around for him. Hang in there!



New member
As for the stomach pain, that's not an unusual complaint. Whenever I do the vest (it's not my primary source of therapy, so I don't do it often), it makes me nauseous. All the shaking. The other thing would be that maybe it's too tight. Make the pressure fairly low (do you have the newer small one that has a digital read and comes in a duffel bag? -- if so, try 1 or 2 for pressure). Other than that, unless you're willing to do manual therapy, he's stuck with the vest, so he needs to get used to it.


New member
As for the stomach pain, that's not an unusual complaint. Whenever I do the vest (it's not my primary source of therapy, so I don't do it often), it makes me nauseous. All the shaking. The other thing would be that maybe it's too tight. Make the pressure fairly low (do you have the newer small one that has a digital read and comes in a duffel bag? -- if so, try 1 or 2 for pressure). Other than that, unless you're willing to do manual therapy, he's stuck with the vest, so he needs to get used to it.


New member
As for the stomach pain, that's not an unusual complaint. Whenever I do the vest (it's not my primary source of therapy, so I don't do it often), it makes me nauseous. All the shaking. The other thing would be that maybe it's too tight. Make the pressure fairly low (do you have the newer small one that has a digital read and comes in a duffel bag? -- if so, try 1 or 2 for pressure). Other than that, unless you're willing to do manual therapy, he's stuck with the vest, so he needs to get used to it.


New member
As for the stomach pain, that's not an unusual complaint. Whenever I do the vest (it's not my primary source of therapy, so I don't do it often), it makes me nauseous. All the shaking. The other thing would be that maybe it's too tight. Make the pressure fairly low (do you have the newer small one that has a digital read and comes in a duffel bag? -- if so, try 1 or 2 for pressure). Other than that, unless you're willing to do manual therapy, he's stuck with the vest, so he needs to get used to it.


New member
As for the stomach pain, that's not an unusual complaint. Whenever I do the vest (it's not my primary source of therapy, so I don't do it often), it makes me nauseous. All the shaking. The other thing would be that maybe it's too tight. Make the pressure fairly low (do you have the newer small one that has a digital read and comes in a duffel bag? -- if so, try 1 or 2 for pressure). Other than that, unless you're willing to do manual therapy, he's stuck with the vest, so he needs to get used to it.