

New member
just curious how you guys know when you need salt? what does your body do to tell you?

i remember when i was little i got really nauseaus and got sick. that was a severe situation though, haven't had anything like that happen since i've known to prevent it. now i still get this weird feeling in my stomach--almost like a super-empty stomach feeling or like a short stomach ache that comes and goes. anyone have similar experiences?

laura, 27


New member
My body doesn't really do anything when I need salt... I just salt EVERYTHING I eat. I love it. I take nacho chips, smother them in cheese, and then SALT them. It's sooooooooo good. I salt already salted peanuts. lol So I've never had a "wait, I need salt, eat salt!" moment.


New member
wow, interesting. do you think because you are used to having so much salt that your body craves salty foods? i ask because i don't especially crave salty foods but i know that a lot of people do.



New member
Like Emily my body never tells me when I need salt, but I'm always putting salt on everything! I make popcorn, and then add extra salt and seasoning salt to it, or I'll add extra salt to my chips, etc.


New member
I think it's possible that my body craves salty foods because it knows I need it. I know of several CFers that eat pounds of salt at a time, and I think there's some natural something that happens to a bunch of us that allows us to replenish the salt. It's not like I eat salt because I know I need it, and I tolerate it. I LOVE the stuff. I salt everything because it's yummy. Heh.


New member
I don't tend to go out of my way to add salt to things. I eat normally and when I when my body needs salt I tend to crave it. Normally in the form of salted popcorn. I have never gotten ill when I have needed salt though - usually just a craving.

Your body tends to crave the things you need. I have noticed that is how it is with my body anyway.



New member
I actually take a salt pill called florinef, it is a type of steroid that helps me retain salt, granted, I don't take it for CF, I take if for Addison's but it helps. During the hot months like now, I tend to dehydrate so fast, I even though I am a diabetic drink half gatoraide half water all summer long to try to help.

I do crave salt, I usually eat it in the form of popcorn or sometimes chinese food with a ton of soy sauce.


New member
I abuse salt like a junkie to smack. I salt everything and still get cravings sometimes. Usually I feel it in my tongue, which is weird and hard to visualize I suppose. I salt everything from hamburgers to (at times) baked ziti. I have never gotten sick from a lack of salt before, though.


New member
I don't crave salt, really, because I salt everything as well, but if I'm feeling a little deprived of it I'll lick the pad of my finger, pour the salt on and lick it up straight from there. I usually do that a few times after dinner. Don't ask me why, I just do.


New member
I as most of you do too , put salt on everything.... Thought even with the amount of salt I do eat I do still crave salt..... A favorite of mine is rice douced in soya sauce....... Tho after eating to salt .. I do get VERY DRY anyone else get dry after alot of salt intake ???

I think the LOVE of salt we have is due to our CF, being a CFer just makes you a salt lover........


New member
isn't true if you have too much salt you can retain fluids? I know when I was on prednisone I could only have so much salt.

Today I am not on pred but if I have too much salt, I can tell. I need salt but not tons.


New member
Salt actually works the opposite of a diuretic. It does cause you to retain fluids, it is also causes you to be more thirsty so you drink more and retain even more, WHen you sodium level is low in your blood stream, you kidney, release Renin whihc causes the kidneys to not secrete the salt, and so the salt is filtered through the kidneys and because of things like osmosos the fluid follows the salt..

Soory this isn't the best expanation is not so good i am tird,,, I can link you to a full tesx link on it if you want

That is why people who have high blood pressure have to reduce their sodium intake.

I get so thristy when I eat salt, but that never stops me.



I've never really noticed that my body tells me I need salt. But. like everybody else, I salt everything I eat. I don't actually cook with it too much because I don't want to overdose my husband (lol), but I do salt my own food. There was one time when I was a youngster (and I was at a friends house), my friend and I were oustide playing. Her mom was so worried about me getting sick because I was sweating so much, so she called my mom to see what to do. I didn't have any salt tablets with me at the time, so they made me drink salt water - GAG!! I love salt and all, but I never want to have to do that again!!


New member
i love love loveeee salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> and french fries are practically my staple food... so ive always gotten plenty of salt. i do supposed though that my body craves salt when i need it... hmm, idk! but i do know that i love it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> (friends favorite line on french frie day at school: "so, kate, having some fries on your salt today?")


New member
I dont crave table salt, but I LOVE soy sauce, beef jerky, chips etc with the salt. I actually dont "crave" it, but once I start eating some I cant stop. So I guess its more of an addiciton LOL!


New member
when i was younger, i used to get really bad leg cramps (so did my brother). our doc said it was from loosing too much salt. well anyways, i crave salt alot, i guess when my body needs it. i love Lemon Salt and i love salted strawberries, green plums, and lemons.


New member
This is very interesting.. Our son Maxwell who is currently undx, but having testing for CF is always asking me to add more salt to his food.. I have gone out of my way to eliminate as much salt as possible (down to buying unsalted pc, butter, etc.) from our home. I do this because of all the health hipe about salt. Since there is a possibilty of CF should I relax a little and let him have it? His sweat chloride was 49. If that matters.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>candiebar76</b></i>

This is very interesting.. Our son Maxwell who is currently undx, but having testing for CF is always asking me to add more salt to his food.. I have gone out of my way to eliminate as much salt as possible (down to buying unsalted pc, butter, etc.) from our home. I do this because of all the health hipe about salt. Since there is a possibilty of CF should I relax a little and let him have it? His sweat chloride was 49. If that matters.</end quote></div>

Until you have an official dx I would give him the salt....if he turns out not to have CF then you can change back. If he does have CF then its very important that his intake be high enough!


Staff member
We refer to Max as our little salty boy. When I kiss his head he tastes salty <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

He likes pretzels, pringles, tortilla chips and popcorn. And we salt his food. He also asks us for salt -- licks his hand and has us sprinkle salt on it. For some strange reason people stare at us when we do this out in public <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> L