Makailyn had always been good on her PFT's until last July.She was useally at 110%,and then had a major drop down to 78%.The doctor put her on 2 antibiotics, (along with her other agressive regimen), and I returned the following month, and they went to high 80's after 2 treatments in the office,and the doctor said she is declineing !! She put her on more antibiotics,,and cont. her on antibiotics through Dec...
The doctor would just tell us it was a big drop in numbers so suddenly,and didn't know why.And said, there are no guaranties ever with CF.I couldn't say anything, because the last time I heard a doctor tell me there are no guaranties it was with my mother and she passed away 5 monts later....
We ended up at another CF Clinic and when they tested her they were still down especially the #'s that show lower lungs,,down in the 50%. They gave her 2extra xopenex treatments, and Advair,,and her lower lung function went from 50%up to like 98%,,,but her FEV1 only went up to 88%.
They also put her on more antibiotics,,and said she has the Asthma Componet..Which I knew she had, had asthma when she was younger until she started all the meds.This clinic said she needed to be on a medication that had a cortal(?) steroid in it,and didn't know why the other clinic didn't have her on it..
Makailyn has had alot of inflammation problems,for several months ,that she will choke just eating icecream..She has had 2 chest x-rays within a month apart and the 2nd one was worst than the first.It said she had overinflated lungs and air trapping,,along with the normal stuff on the xrays.
I don't think they are listening when I tell them how bad her choking is when she eats,,and she has lost 2 lbs...The mucous is so thick, you'll see her constantly licking her lips,,clearing her throat, and coughing more,but the cough sounds different than I've ever heard before,sounds like a seal,,then it will get more productive ,and back to the seal sound.We go back in July to FU again.
The other clinic would always give her a 10 day course of steroids at least 2times a year,and the last year we were there they wouldn't do it,, they just kept giving more antibiotics...
I don't know if this is part of what is suppose to happen with this disease,,,she's been sicker this pass year than ever...I think possibly with the change in the clinics ,,they are not as familiar with her yet...I think I need to be more aggresive at getting some snswers ,,,or I don't know if I'm just panicing ...I've just seen some very different changes in her health,, and I think the doc maybe missing something ...
Can anyone tell me what their lung functions are???
The doctor would just tell us it was a big drop in numbers so suddenly,and didn't know why.And said, there are no guaranties ever with CF.I couldn't say anything, because the last time I heard a doctor tell me there are no guaranties it was with my mother and she passed away 5 monts later....
We ended up at another CF Clinic and when they tested her they were still down especially the #'s that show lower lungs,,down in the 50%. They gave her 2extra xopenex treatments, and Advair,,and her lower lung function went from 50%up to like 98%,,,but her FEV1 only went up to 88%.
They also put her on more antibiotics,,and said she has the Asthma Componet..Which I knew she had, had asthma when she was younger until she started all the meds.This clinic said she needed to be on a medication that had a cortal(?) steroid in it,and didn't know why the other clinic didn't have her on it..
Makailyn has had alot of inflammation problems,for several months ,that she will choke just eating icecream..She has had 2 chest x-rays within a month apart and the 2nd one was worst than the first.It said she had overinflated lungs and air trapping,,along with the normal stuff on the xrays.
I don't think they are listening when I tell them how bad her choking is when she eats,,and she has lost 2 lbs...The mucous is so thick, you'll see her constantly licking her lips,,clearing her throat, and coughing more,but the cough sounds different than I've ever heard before,sounds like a seal,,then it will get more productive ,and back to the seal sound.We go back in July to FU again.
The other clinic would always give her a 10 day course of steroids at least 2times a year,and the last year we were there they wouldn't do it,, they just kept giving more antibiotics...
I don't know if this is part of what is suppose to happen with this disease,,,she's been sicker this pass year than ever...I think possibly with the change in the clinics ,,they are not as familiar with her yet...I think I need to be more aggresive at getting some snswers ,,,or I don't know if I'm just panicing ...I've just seen some very different changes in her health,, and I think the doc maybe missing something ...
Can anyone tell me what their lung functions are???