I'm still in college, and looking to graduate on time, so long as this crazy department I'm in gets its shtuff together. If you're healthy enough for college, go. Have the full experience and do the best you can with it. If you can't live away at school, try to find a University or major college you can commute to before looking into community school because they are two completely different experiences.
I have missed school due to being in the hospital, but I'm lucky enough to in a department where everyone knows each other, and the professor's really care about us individually as their students. Most of them just let me go from work altogether and told me not to even worry about it and just get better. That is, except for Dr. Fienberg who sprung a paper on me at the end of last semester after telling me it was alright that I missed the first quiz.
Point is, you only get one shot at life, CF or not, and my recommendation is to live through every experience you can. A doctor with CF named Brian Weinstein once said, "To try and to fail is okay, but nto to try is not to live," and that's how I try to do things at least.