

New member
Hey I am a 21 year old CFer. I am almost done with my junior year of college and am debating if I want to grad school. My main problem is my lung function is in the 60's and like all CFers I have no idea how low (or high for that matter) they will be in the next 5 years. They seem to have gotten much worse the past 4 years or so. My problem is if I just get a job I can save up money so that I have something saved up for when i cant work anymore. I am worried if I go to grad school and it takes me 2 years what if i finish and am too sick to even work?? From reading the boards it doesnt seem like CFers are able to work for very long before they go part time or on disability. I just don't want to waste time/money on grad school if I cant even work for more than 10 years when i am done. I dont want CF to stop me from my dreams, but i want to be realistic about this too. What do you guys think? Have any of you gone to grad school? How old were you guys when you had to stop working? Sorry for all the question and thanks in advance


I finished my MBA 12/03,the program was through West Virginia University and was an executive style program. I had the same debate as you. I consciously decided, to get a "short" degree so I get out and start "living" my life. Since my first degree I have gone back twice.

As for money, depending on what graduate degee you obtain depends on the fiancial gain you may see. The average for a MBA is a 30% increase in the first year. Mine was closer to 80% and now am 120% more than what I made in 2003. So it may be more profitable not to wait and go ahead to get your degree. Of course I waited and did just fine too. I will encourage you to make sure your insurance situation is stable on either choice.

Hope this is what you are looking for.



New member
I'm applying to grad schools as we speak. If you have further academic pursuites that you're interested in, I say go for it!!

Most CFer's have a dramatic decline in health in college, we all know why. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I take online courses from Capella University. I received my BS there and now am working on my Masters. I love it. I do the work on my own time, in my pajamas might I add, and I don't have to worry about coughing in class.

If you do look for an online school, do your research to make sure they are accredited.


New member
Luke, my hubbie is finishing his last year of undergrad (business Administration) with a strong emphasis on international business, and is considering going further and is looking into and MBA program. I am curious to get some information about it. I don't have any specific questions because I am not sure how it differs from a biasic undergrad and how many years are involved. When you have time, would you be able to just jot down a bit of general inforamation and how long it took you, what your undergrad was in and what your MBA was in?


Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)



My undergraduate degrees are in Respiratory Therapy(A.S) and Health Service Adminstration(B.S.). I recieved my graduate degree in business from West Virginia University. Master's in Business Administration degrees are 48 credit hours long, the program was an executive style program set up for professionals. Class was held every Monday and Wednesday from 6-9 and normally one Saturday a month. The entire program ran from August 2001 and finished December 2003. There are many different programs though, my brother is beginning one on-line next month that is apperars to be much quicker. As an EMBA program we did not have an option to have particular emphasis. You can however get a MBA with emphasis on finance, economics whatever the school may offer. I will attach the home page from WVU, look around at the curriculum and get a feel of what classes it entails. If you have any questions let me know. I do recommend that anyone wanting to further their career to get a graduate degree.



New member
Right now, I am working on my masters in genetic counseling. I know how you feel though. I worry about not being able to work full time in my field or eventually not being able to work at all.