Second Children


New member
I asked this question once before, but I didnt word it correctly, and really didnt get any clear answers. I think I confused everyone. I'll try again.
How many moms, who have more than one child with CF experienced blocked bowl, or meconium illeus in their second or subsequent children? I ask because my daughter who was first had meconium illeus at birth, and Im pregnant, now 30 weeks, and am awaiting an ultrasound to see if my son will have the same problem. I really hope this post isnt as confusing as the first one.
Thanks So Much
Mom to Madison 3 w/CF


New member
My daughter did not have meconium illeus when she was born. My son who was born two years later did. I heard that there was a 33% chance that siblings with cf will also have the blockage. My nephew has cf also and he didn't have blockage at birth.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf