Secondary Health Insurance


New member

I am at my wits end with my medical bills.. Co pays and Co insurance.. and at this point I think it would be cheaper to take out a second insurance plan then it would to pay these co pays.. My bills are completly overwhelmed with the amount of money I owe... so anyway.. any ideas would be great




New member
I don't know much about secondary health insurance, but I think having CF it would be very difficult if not impossilbe to find a company that will cover you.

I know a post awhile back was talking about companies like ALFAC that give hospitalization coverage. We have one of these policies and after 6 months even CF hospitalizations are covered. The one we have pays $500 per day for the first 5 days in the hospital and then every day after that is $100 per day. It will certainly help with the copays and such. There are many kinds of policy available. Some even pay you money depending on what kind of out patient procedures. Maybe you should check into getting these kind of supplemental coverages.


New member
Some states like Massachusetts have a separate pool for the disabled. And in Mass you can buy into Medicaid if you are disabled even if you make to much to qualify. The Mass plan for that is called Commonhealth.


New member
In some states, like Ohio for instance, there is a state funded program that covers Cystic Fibrosis. It acts as a secondary insurance preventing the families to be billed for any copays for medications, nutritional formulas, doc. visits, inpatient, outpatient labs....

It is usually titled within the state you live in as Children with Special Health Care needs.

In Ohio the program is Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps. Most of these programs are directed by the Dept. of Health.

Hope this helps.



I don't have any suggestions on companies really. All supplement policies seem to be about the same. Do you happen to know somone who sells insurance you can trust, an insider would be your best bet to get what you need. I would imagine it will be very expensive either way though. I am lucky I have my wifes insurance as a secondary. Which is an interesting route to go, ever think about getting married for insurance? I got married the first time for financial aid, I guess you could get married for secondary coverage.



New member
Thanks Guys I am going to look into all these options...

I would be a millionare if I had that 500 a day policy I was just in the hospital for 24 days and I am headed back in for at least two weeks more



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JennifersHope</b></i>

Thanks Guys I am going to look into all these options...

I would be a millionare if I had that 500 a day policy I was just in the hospital for 24 days and I am headed back in for at least two weeks more

Jennifer</end quote></div>

LOL....unfortuantely the $500 is only for the first 5 days of the admission. And readmissions have to be atleast 30 or 60 days (I don't remember which) from your last discharge inorder for the $500 to start again. But your 24 day stay would have brought in $4400!


New member
I just emailed them for information... I was going to look into this a few months ago and then life got in my way.. Boy am I sorry now....



New member
In Ohio, the Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps (BCMH) you can request for your bills to be considered for a period of 3 months prior to application date.

I would recommend you consider this. It will help loads financially if your state offers this.


I don't really know about secondary insurance, but I just thought I would add that I have a hospital policy through Physicians Mutual. I have had it for years, and to be honest, I don't even recall how much it will pay me per day for hospital stays. I want to say $75.00 per day and I think it is more for intensive care. I only pay $20.70 per month. Of course, with my pre-existing condition, I would have had to wait 1 year for anything that occurred for CF. Thankfully, I've never had to use it, but I'm sure my day will come. I hope you can find something!!