Severe Sinus Problems


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I have a 2 1/2 year old son w/CF that has severe sinus problems. He has been on antibiotic since he was 1. As soon as he stops taking it, his sinuses get packed with mucous and infection. We use a saline irrigation and Rhinocort everyday twice a day. He has (and is currently) using the Sinuneb system - an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory mist inhalant. He has also had 2 sinus surgeries to clear everything out. That only kept him clear 6 DAYS. The ENT was expecting 1-3 years. Nothing has worked except continual antibiotic treatments. Has anyone else had these same problems? What have you tried? What has worked to keep your sinuses clear? The Sinuneb system has worked for us in the past, but it is very hard to get a 2 1/2 year old to sit still for an hours worth of treatments. It is also very expensive and come June 1st, my insurance may no longer cover it. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.Thank You ~ Dina


New member
Dina- I have pretty bad sinuses too and usually have to get them surgically roto rootered out at least once a year. I started using SINO FRESH about 6th months ago and my sinuses have never been clearer. It's been over a year and a half and my sinuses look the best they have since I was little. It's an over the counter spray and it's a dilluted mouthwash for the sinuses. I'm one of the patients my doc has tried it on but it is working wonders. I hope you can find this great spray,Good luck,Emily 22 pwcf


New member
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try anything at this point. I'll do some searching and see if I can find Sino Fresh anywhere around here. Is it a spray like Rhinocort or Nasonex. What form does it come in?


New member
Hello fellow sufferer, I too have CF and i have the nose thing going on as well. I guess my best advise is keep up the nose irrigations and the nose sprays. Please know you are not alone in you struggle. I am 24 and i have had surgery 4 times on my nose and it gets better and better every time, really. If you want to chat al ittle more please write to me. S.Stefanie@excite.comtake care and good luck, Stefanie Bol. of Grand Haven Michigan


New member
Sino Fresh comes in a spray form like Rhinacort's a clear bottle. I tried to find it around my house but couldn't, I'll have to get more from my ENT Dr. Let me know if you find brother just started as an Ottowa County Grand Haven in Ottowa County?? Look out for him!! Keep yo sinuses clean,Emily 22pwcf from Detroit