Grayson has always had looser stools. On top of her having CF, she has short gut too. She pulled the short straw for sure. In morning there is a huge blow out and a mess to clean. I talked to the nutritionist about the powder enzyme to put in her formula at nite to help with the stool output. They don't want to put her on it. They don't like to use it. They backed her down to 4 enzymes with meals and snacks we give 2. So all day long i am cleaning up poop. She has very loose stools and makes a mess on everything if i don't catch it soon enough. So on top of her needing full time care im feeling like im poop patrol. Not to mention i broke my hand and have a cast and 2 fingers. Plus its my writing hand. I am disabled at doing the littlest tasks. I can't read my own writing.LOL! Anyway, how many enzymes do you give? They are so picky with G and don't like changing things with her. They calculate everything. Im frustruated cuz they don't change these blowouts daily. Poor baby gets sores on her butt. The latest change they did was at nite feedings we can reduce the time but increase the rate. Well duh, its the same amount in the end. By morning she still gets the full amount. That don't help. So any ideas?