Hi, I am a healthy 25 year old male, who runs and plays basketball twice a week. I was diagnosed with bronchitis around April 3rd. The cough lasted for about 6 weeks and then went down to 3-4 coughs a day for a few more weeks. It's been almost 2 months now and I am still feeling the rattling in my chest at least once a day, then it stays in my throat, this goes on around 11am-2pm. especially if I drink water. It then disappears until the next morning. For the past few weeks I only cough once or twice, which is a wet-cough. During the whole 2 months I only spit out phlegm twice, it was a greenish color. Now, Its just clear thick mucus, not sure if that's because I am unable to properly spit out the phlegm. For the past month my nose also feels congested and I had to blow my nose 4-5 a day. That has now eased up.
So far I've taken azithronmycin which completely helped me get over the annoying coughs that lasted all day (6-14 wet coughs). Also taken IOPHEN-C for a few weeks now and Claritan. My chest X-ray at 6 weeks came out perfectly normal.
I do not feel fatigue, no chest pain, or no difficulty in breathing. The doctor said I had swollen lymph nodes. I also do not have the other symptoms of CF.
I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 16 after catching phenomonia. My mother also died of lung cancer when she 49. I am worried sick right, please help. I also eat a lot and do not gamin much weight. 5'11 and 160lbs.
Do these sound like symptons of CF?
So far I've taken azithronmycin which completely helped me get over the annoying coughs that lasted all day (6-14 wet coughs). Also taken IOPHEN-C for a few weeks now and Claritan. My chest X-ray at 6 weeks came out perfectly normal.
I do not feel fatigue, no chest pain, or no difficulty in breathing. The doctor said I had swollen lymph nodes. I also do not have the other symptoms of CF.
I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 16 after catching phenomonia. My mother also died of lung cancer when she 49. I am worried sick right, please help. I also eat a lot and do not gamin much weight. 5'11 and 160lbs.
Do these sound like symptons of CF?