Should I call clinic?


New member
We had a clinic appointment 3 weeks ago. I mentioned that DS was still coughing - it seems like he has been coughing since October. The doctor listened, thought he sounded fine, but decided to get an x-ray anyway. The x-ray showed a lot of "sludge" in his lungs, and pnuemonia in the right lung. He was put on 5 days of zithromax, and 14 days of augmentin. We went to the ped when he was done with both, she said he sounded great. His cough was also pretty much gone - maybe coughed 5 times a day. Yesterday, and especially last night, he was back to the deep hacking cough. My older son just got over the flu, so I am thinking it is possible that Jack may have picked something new up. He has been off antibiotics for 5 days. Would you guys call the clinic or wait and see what happens over the next few days?


New member
We had a clinic appointment 3 weeks ago. I mentioned that DS was still coughing - it seems like he has been coughing since October. The doctor listened, thought he sounded fine, but decided to get an x-ray anyway. The x-ray showed a lot of "sludge" in his lungs, and pnuemonia in the right lung. He was put on 5 days of zithromax, and 14 days of augmentin. We went to the ped when he was done with both, she said he sounded great. His cough was also pretty much gone - maybe coughed 5 times a day. Yesterday, and especially last night, he was back to the deep hacking cough. My older son just got over the flu, so I am thinking it is possible that Jack may have picked something new up. He has been off antibiotics for 5 days. Would you guys call the clinic or wait and see what happens over the next few days?


New member
We had a clinic appointment 3 weeks ago. I mentioned that DS was still coughing - it seems like he has been coughing since October. The doctor listened, thought he sounded fine, but decided to get an x-ray anyway. The x-ray showed a lot of "sludge" in his lungs, and pnuemonia in the right lung. He was put on 5 days of zithromax, and 14 days of augmentin. We went to the ped when he was done with both, she said he sounded great. His cough was also pretty much gone - maybe coughed 5 times a day. Yesterday, and especially last night, he was back to the deep hacking cough. My older son just got over the flu, so I am thinking it is possible that Jack may have picked something new up. He has been off antibiotics for 5 days. Would you guys call the clinic or wait and see what happens over the next few days?


Super Moderator
I would call. It's possible your son could have picked something else up. Or, sometimes what happens to Maggie is she would come off the antibiotics and after they are out of her system she would start coughing again. Did they culture your son with CF? What happens with maggie is she might not have been on the antibiotics long enough or it might not have been the right antibiotic for her.

Does he have a fever or any flu like symptoms?


Super Moderator
I would call. It's possible your son could have picked something else up. Or, sometimes what happens to Maggie is she would come off the antibiotics and after they are out of her system she would start coughing again. Did they culture your son with CF? What happens with maggie is she might not have been on the antibiotics long enough or it might not have been the right antibiotic for her.

Does he have a fever or any flu like symptoms?


Super Moderator
I would call. It's possible your son could have picked something else up. Or, sometimes what happens to Maggie is she would come off the antibiotics and after they are out of her system she would start coughing again. Did they culture your son with CF? What happens with maggie is she might not have been on the antibiotics long enough or it might not have been the right antibiotic for her.
<br />
<br />Does he have a fever or any flu like symptoms?


New member
i would call and explain the situation. i always consider that it is the doctor's job to decide what to do, i just need to explain the timing, to describe the symptoms etc. I also try to culture if my dd is coming down with something or starts coughing, just to make sure it is not a new bug or something


New member
i would call and explain the situation. i always consider that it is the doctor's job to decide what to do, i just need to explain the timing, to describe the symptoms etc. I also try to culture if my dd is coming down with something or starts coughing, just to make sure it is not a new bug or something


New member
i would call and explain the situation. i always consider that it is the doctor's job to decide what to do, i just need to explain the timing, to describe the symptoms etc. I also try to culture if my dd is coming down with something or starts coughing, just to make sure it is not a new bug or something


Yeah, I would call tomorrow. I think they'd want to know that the coughing resumed so quickly after coming off the abx. Best of luck.


Yeah, I would call tomorrow. I think they'd want to know that the coughing resumed so quickly after coming off the abx. Best of luck.


Yeah, I would call tomorrow. I think they'd want to know that the coughing resumed so quickly after coming off the abx. Best of luck.
I would also call - Asia picked up something 4 months ago and it cept on comming back. Only when she took bactrim for 3 weeks it stopped - but we had her cultures chequed first. It was for 3 weeks due to period of incubation of the bacteria she had... and it worked.
Good luck
I would also call - Asia picked up something 4 months ago and it cept on comming back. Only when she took bactrim for 3 weeks it stopped - but we had her cultures chequed first. It was for 3 weeks due to period of incubation of the bacteria she had... and it worked.
Good luck
I would also call - Asia picked up something 4 months ago and it cept on comming back. Only when she took bactrim for 3 weeks it stopped - but we had her cultures chequed first. It was for 3 weeks due to period of incubation of the bacteria she had... and it worked.
<br />Good luck