should i take him back


New member
Ok tricky one but need the advice, i started meeting up with this guy last year and we got on great continued meeting up etc for about 7mths but officially starting going out at the start we had a bit of trouble b/c it seemed he liked me alot more than i liked him but we got through it, we had an amazing relationship but one night he came to see me we went out and then i went out with my friends and he went out with his, the next day (sunday) we spent the whole day together and had a great day. on monday i went into school and to my horror a girl in my class came up and asked was i still with him i replied "of course, i was with him yesterday and i'm crazy bout him" but she said her friend had kissed him on the saturday, he was really drunk and she kissed him i immediately left my classroom and called him and he confirmed it was true.
I met up with him later on for an explanation and we broke up, he sent me flowers, constantly rang me, sent me msgs but i just couldn't face him i was heartbroken as he was my first real b/f. that was in april.
i missed him so much in the summer and although i was with other guys it wasn't the same i just missed him in my life.]a couple of weeks ago we met up and sorted everything out again and are friends, he wants me back as his girlfriend but i said it wasn't a good idea, i love being friends with him but i know i'm still crazy bout him and would love to be his girlfriend again! What do you think guys? xx


New member
personally, if you guys are crazy about each other, then i suggest you guys get together because if you don't then you might regret that you didn't then if things don't work out at least you can say that you truly tried and you know for sure it wasn't meant to be... just my thought although my thoughts are somewhat scattered at the moment because i am having guy worries at the moment, but, i say u go girl..................


New member
It wouldnt hurt to give him a second chance, I mean as long as it was JUST a kiss and nothing else. It sounds like he really likes you and besides its not like you guys are committed to anything.


New member
hey shauna, i dont' feel like going into details at the moment but just read the post titled men, and that is my post so that will give u a general ideal......


New member
I just went through a horrible break up. You have to ask yourself if you'll ever be able to trust him again. Part of me wants my guy back but after the way he treated me I know it would be a bad idea. You may be able to forgive but can you forget?