siblings jealous???


New member
my brothers and sister are really starting to tick me off, they get mad because i get "special treatment" like being on this forum (my parents are really overprotective and don't let us have myspaces, aim, yahoo, or things like that; stupid i know) anyways they are jealous that i come on here to see other people with cf and things like that and they don't get a myspace or anything, they commonly refer to this as "robert's own personal myspace" along with this other site i go to and its really getting to me. they complain that i get <i>all</i> the attention because of my cf, well ya know what, yeah i do get a little more attention because of the cf but that is understandable and i don't get why my siblings don't get it. i guess its because we are the definition of sibling rivalry but still, its gets old fast and then just gets so annoying! does anyone else have this problem or is this just me? please tell me what you think or if you have any advise.


New member
my brothers and sister are really starting to tick me off, they get mad because i get "special treatment" like being on this forum (my parents are really overprotective and don't let us have myspaces, aim, yahoo, or things like that; stupid i know) anyways they are jealous that i come on here to see other people with cf and things like that and they don't get a myspace or anything, they commonly refer to this as "robert's own personal myspace" along with this other site i go to and its really getting to me. they complain that i get <i>all</i> the attention because of my cf, well ya know what, yeah i do get a little more attention because of the cf but that is understandable and i don't get why my siblings don't get it. i guess its because we are the definition of sibling rivalry but still, its gets old fast and then just gets so annoying! does anyone else have this problem or is this just me? please tell me what you think or if you have any advise.


New member
my brothers and sister are really starting to tick me off, they get mad because i get "special treatment" like being on this forum (my parents are really overprotective and don't let us have myspaces, aim, yahoo, or things like that; stupid i know) anyways they are jealous that i come on here to see other people with cf and things like that and they don't get a myspace or anything, they commonly refer to this as "robert's own personal myspace" along with this other site i go to and its really getting to me. they complain that i get <i>all</i> the attention because of my cf, well ya know what, yeah i do get a little more attention because of the cf but that is understandable and i don't get why my siblings don't get it. i guess its because we are the definition of sibling rivalry but still, its gets old fast and then just gets so annoying! does anyone else have this problem or is this just me? please tell me what you think or if you have any advise.


New member
well I know this doesn't help now. But I have a feeling that when your siblings are older they will totally understand why you got special treatment. You could stress to them what you have to go through struggling with CF, and how they would NOT want to be in your shoes, and you would switch places with them at any time if you could. It's hard to grow up and feel like you aren't as important as your siblings. Just know that they don't understand, and may not for awhile now, so take it easy on them and be kind and uplifting.<br><br>And no, it's NOT dumb that your parents don't let you get myspace and AIM and such, there are a lot of really crazy people out there and a lot of really stupid stuff on the internet. I wish that I hadn't learned half the things I learned as a kid from the TV and Internet.


New member
well I know this doesn't help now. But I have a feeling that when your siblings are older they will totally understand why you got special treatment. You could stress to them what you have to go through struggling with CF, and how they would NOT want to be in your shoes, and you would switch places with them at any time if you could. It's hard to grow up and feel like you aren't as important as your siblings. Just know that they don't understand, and may not for awhile now, so take it easy on them and be kind and uplifting.<br><br>And no, it's NOT dumb that your parents don't let you get myspace and AIM and such, there are a lot of really crazy people out there and a lot of really stupid stuff on the internet. I wish that I hadn't learned half the things I learned as a kid from the TV and Internet.


New member
well I know this doesn't help now. But I have a feeling that when your siblings are older they will totally understand why you got special treatment. You could stress to them what you have to go through struggling with CF, and how they would NOT want to be in your shoes, and you would switch places with them at any time if you could. It's hard to grow up and feel like you aren't as important as your siblings. Just know that they don't understand, and may not for awhile now, so take it easy on them and be kind and uplifting.<br><br>And no, it's NOT dumb that your parents don't let you get myspace and AIM and such, there are a lot of really crazy people out there and a lot of really stupid stuff on the internet. I wish that I hadn't learned half the things I learned as a kid from the TV and Internet.


New member
Hey come on when do you get special treatment lol. I didn't get special treatment when I was growing up. My family treated me like everyone els. I'm still growing up, and I still don't get special treatment. Hey I should protest for special treatment lol. No I'm messing with you Robert, your brothers and sister will understand when they get older <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Be the responsible one and talk to them about it. I'm sorry that your parents are like that. Just makes you want to work harder in school. So you can go off to college <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> lol. Don't let your family get to you. Be strong for you and your family. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
Hey come on when do you get special treatment lol. I didn't get special treatment when I was growing up. My family treated me like everyone els. I'm still growing up, and I still don't get special treatment. Hey I should protest for special treatment lol. No I'm messing with you Robert, your brothers and sister will understand when they get older <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Be the responsible one and talk to them about it. I'm sorry that your parents are like that. Just makes you want to work harder in school. So you can go off to college <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> lol. Don't let your family get to you. Be strong for you and your family. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
Hey come on when do you get special treatment lol. I didn't get special treatment when I was growing up. My family treated me like everyone els. I'm still growing up, and I still don't get special treatment. Hey I should protest for special treatment lol. No I'm messing with you Robert, your brothers and sister will understand when they get older <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Be the responsible one and talk to them about it. I'm sorry that your parents are like that. Just makes you want to work harder in school. So you can go off to college <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> lol. Don't let your family get to you. Be strong for you and your family. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
I had the same thing with my sister. Here is an idea- perhaps you can ask your brothers and sister to help you out with therapy. I know you must have the vest but ask them to clap on your back and let them watch you cough. Perhaps they do not understand how hard it is for you take care of yourself. Find a way to let them understand the compassionate side of life.

Maybe talk to them how you feel about your future and ask them what are their goals in life. Let them understand how serious CF is. Ask them to read some of these posts on the cf site. Let them participate in some small way and see what they chose to do. Give them time to comphrehend the seriousness of the illness. It might take them more time than you think.

Is there something that one of your brothers or sisters want from you? Perhaps reach out and give it to them.

Are you the oldest sibling?


New member
I had the same thing with my sister. Here is an idea- perhaps you can ask your brothers and sister to help you out with therapy. I know you must have the vest but ask them to clap on your back and let them watch you cough. Perhaps they do not understand how hard it is for you take care of yourself. Find a way to let them understand the compassionate side of life.

Maybe talk to them how you feel about your future and ask them what are their goals in life. Let them understand how serious CF is. Ask them to read some of these posts on the cf site. Let them participate in some small way and see what they chose to do. Give them time to comphrehend the seriousness of the illness. It might take them more time than you think.

Is there something that one of your brothers or sisters want from you? Perhaps reach out and give it to them.

Are you the oldest sibling?


New member
I had the same thing with my sister. Here is an idea- perhaps you can ask your brothers and sister to help you out with therapy. I know you must have the vest but ask them to clap on your back and let them watch you cough. Perhaps they do not understand how hard it is for you take care of yourself. Find a way to let them understand the compassionate side of life.

Maybe talk to them how you feel about your future and ask them what are their goals in life. Let them understand how serious CF is. Ask them to read some of these posts on the cf site. Let them participate in some small way and see what they chose to do. Give them time to comphrehend the seriousness of the illness. It might take them more time than you think.

Is there something that one of your brothers or sisters want from you? Perhaps reach out and give it to them.

Are you the oldest sibling?


New member
hey thanks for the ideas, i'm not the oldest my sister is older than me but both my brothers are younger. i try to understand that they just don't know what i'm going though when they are complaining about me... i don't really get special treatment, its just that mom and dad pay a little more attention to what i'm doing and things like that. the thing about it is i don't cough that much or really have any apparent symptoms so they just have no idea whats going on, when i miss school they say that i was skipping or ask "so what tests did you have today robert?" and when do get sick they are always talking about if you did your meds right this wouldn't have happened, i do my meds right, yeah i miss the occasional treatment because of time constraints but who doesn't? i guess i'm just venting at this point but it really ticks me off that they give me such a hard time about it, i'll go to school and cough my head off while i feel like crap when i should be at home trying to get all that crap out of my lungs because i don't want to hear it from my siblings about missing school


New member
hey thanks for the ideas, i'm not the oldest my sister is older than me but both my brothers are younger. i try to understand that they just don't know what i'm going though when they are complaining about me... i don't really get special treatment, its just that mom and dad pay a little more attention to what i'm doing and things like that. the thing about it is i don't cough that much or really have any apparent symptoms so they just have no idea whats going on, when i miss school they say that i was skipping or ask "so what tests did you have today robert?" and when do get sick they are always talking about if you did your meds right this wouldn't have happened, i do my meds right, yeah i miss the occasional treatment because of time constraints but who doesn't? i guess i'm just venting at this point but it really ticks me off that they give me such a hard time about it, i'll go to school and cough my head off while i feel like crap when i should be at home trying to get all that crap out of my lungs because i don't want to hear it from my siblings about missing school


New member
hey thanks for the ideas, i'm not the oldest my sister is older than me but both my brothers are younger. i try to understand that they just don't know what i'm going though when they are complaining about me... i don't really get special treatment, its just that mom and dad pay a little more attention to what i'm doing and things like that. the thing about it is i don't cough that much or really have any apparent symptoms so they just have no idea whats going on, when i miss school they say that i was skipping or ask "so what tests did you have today robert?" and when do get sick they are always talking about if you did your meds right this wouldn't have happened, i do my meds right, yeah i miss the occasional treatment because of time constraints but who doesn't? i guess i'm just venting at this point but it really ticks me off that they give me such a hard time about it, i'll go to school and cough my head off while i feel like crap when i should be at home trying to get all that crap out of my lungs because i don't want to hear it from my siblings about missing school