Side effects of oral cipro ?


New member
i just thought would be good to get feedback on this topic, ive passed out twice from cipro, and have had numerour times of dizzy feeling and moments of disorientation. The 2 times i passed out i was on cipro for approx 2-3 days, once i was driving and completely totalled the car, luckely i was ok. Now when ever taking it i make sure to eat a complete meal with it, make sure to get alot of sleep, and take it as close to exact every 8 or every 12 hours as possible. The time i was in the accident they admitted me and tested for anything which would make me pass out and they couldnt find anything, so only thing it could have been was the effects of cipro. Anyway anyone else dealt with anything similar with this medication ?


New member
Paul, I have to ask, you're not diabetic or have low blood sugars, do you? The dizziness/disoriented feelings are also signs of low blood sugars. I have to admit, though, Cipro can sometimes make me feel light headed, but I haven't passed out.I do have something happen sometimes while driving, which is weird & wondered if you experience this. If I have to cough really deeply while driving, I immediately feel like I could pass out & things get "white" for awhile and I just make myself blink a couple of times, take a deep breath & the feeling passes. Possibly more so on sunny days??? I know, this probably sounds strange, but just wondering if you or anyone else experiences this. I really don't think this is Cipro related, but I will try to pay closer attn when I'm on Cipro & see if that's the only time it happens.


New member
i'm on cipro right now and it seems to have bad effects on me. i always feel really sick to my stomach and it gives me bad headaches. i know it has to be the cipro because this didnt start untill i started taking it.sara


New member
When I've been on Cipro, I've gotten very bad joint pain in my hips and knees especially, so I researched a bit and found that joint pain actually is a side effect. Just thought I'd share


New member
cipro can cause dizziness. also, make sure you wear sunscreen when out in the sun while on cipro. it can cause really bad sunburn. ive once gone out in the sun without any sunscreen on for 10 minutes and i ended up looking like a lobster.


New member
cipro has many side effects, the most worrisome to me though is the light headedness and dizziness. Yes i was tested for diabetes, and epilepsy and every other thing known to man when i was in there. But tests were unconclusive as to what caused the episode. And I often cough hard and get what i call "fire flies" which is kinda a dizzy feeling with white lights floating around, which goes away after a few secs, whether this is a o2 problem or not i dunno, but i get it frequently.


New member
I can't take oral cipro most of the time now because it makes me feel horrible - terribly dizzy to the point I just constantly vomit. Take it with a heavy meal - not just bread or crackers - it helps if you have some fat and protein with it. Regarding coughing so hard you feel you could pass out - I get that all of the time, I think it is because your blood pressure drops suddenly when you cough so hard, plus your body is depleted of oxygen when you cough hard - so it's like getting a "head rush" when you suddenly stand from a kneeling position - it's just a fast change in blood pressure. I don't think it's anything to worry about - just be careful!