sinuses or not???


New member
My 4 yr old seems to have frequent runny nose with yellow colored mucus. Is it true that yellow means infection? I call the CF clinic when she has this, usualy every 6 weeks or so, and they put her on antibiotics. Could this mean she has sinus problems? Allergies??? Im not sure what to make of it. My 6 yr old also has CF and never has this reacurrent respitory infection. Thanks! Jen


New member
Hi Jen,yellow or green mucus means infection. Call the primary care doc and ask about an ENT doc if this has been going on for a while. I could be a nasty sinus infection. Lots of kids with CF have sinus problems and polyps. It would be worth checking into.Andrea


New member
Hi Jen,My poor brother when he was little had a runny nose ALL the time. Come to find out he had polyps. He doesnt have any other probs with his sinuses other than that. I on the other hand have problems with my sinuses and no polyps. CF is weird. Anyway, I would take your little one to an ent doc to find out. Good Luck and Take Care!Dea


New member
I was just diagnosed recently with CF. I have nasal polyps and sinus infections & cough all the time. That is the nature of my CF. I was one of those runny nose kids! I have had the ployps removed many - many times (20+ & a few sinus surgeries - (restructured), but I still get the infections. Green & yellow means infections, clear is good. You do need to see an ENT doctor, but I would get a recommendation from your CF clinic. They will give you the name of ENT Dr. who knows about CF & will work with them. You need them to work together on controlling the infections. MARY55-W/CF


New member
Hi Jen - Jason has sinus involvement. We see Dr. Riley - ENT - at DuPont. He also saw Tommy and took his adnoids out. Jason did have a polyp last year. It eventually went away with treatment; not the ususal case. Also, when he does get a sinus infection, his pulmonologist usu. puts him on a 14 - 21 course of antibiotics. One course of antibiotics never work for him. He was dx. with cf at age 18mos. and since has never just had a cold; it always turns into an infection. Good Luck - we really like Dr. Riley. It takes a while to get in; but this time of year might be easier. He is also the one that did Jason's ear tubes. Hope some of this helps! Take Care! Jo Ann


New member
Jen, My 3 yr old had the same problem for almost 6 months. She was given Ceftin on and off for 6 months and we couldn't get rid of it. It was determined that there were no polyps and I took her to the pediatrician. He changed her antibiotics to Biaxin and the symptoms were gone in less than 2 days. It could be that the antibiotics they are using are not the right ones for the infection she has, so the dr. gave her something in a different family of antibiotics. Consider seeing someone outside of your CF team to get their opinion. As much as our kids have CF they will also get the regular stuff that healthier children get. A second opinion can't hurt.I have full faith in my CF team but I also have faith in my daughters pediatrician. You know your child better than anyone else and sometimes you just need to go with your gutt. If you are writing in this forum I imagine that you are having doubts about the treatment, which obviously isn't working. I say that because I did the same thing.