six pack


New member
Increase your caloric intake, especially proteins. Then weight train, I would recommend developing all your muscles and not just your abs, but abdominal specific stuff is V-ups, tuck jumps and using weight with crunches (like if you can train with a buddy or a trainer, use a 5lb medicine ball and throw it to your buddy while doing the crunch). There's also usually an apparatus at the gym where you can sit upright in a chair and pull down with weights, or resistance bands.

If you're really serious about it, talk to your parents about getting a personal trainer and a gym membership. Even if you only keep the trainer for a few weeks, they will create a workout regimen for you that you can follow.

Me personally, when I was your age I started gymnastics with a few of my friends who were in soccer. Their coach strongly advised gymnastics for overall body strength as well as balance and control. The perk for CFers is that it's also great airway clearance. I had no trouble getting and maintaining a 6 pack, I could outrun everyone in my class in track, and my PFT's were off the charts (113-120% predicted FEV1). Good luck!


New member
Increase your caloric intake, especially proteins. Then weight train, I would recommend developing all your muscles and not just your abs, but abdominal specific stuff is V-ups, tuck jumps and using weight with crunches (like if you can train with a buddy or a trainer, use a 5lb medicine ball and throw it to your buddy while doing the crunch). There's also usually an apparatus at the gym where you can sit upright in a chair and pull down with weights, or resistance bands.

If you're really serious about it, talk to your parents about getting a personal trainer and a gym membership. Even if you only keep the trainer for a few weeks, they will create a workout regimen for you that you can follow.

Me personally, when I was your age I started gymnastics with a few of my friends who were in soccer. Their coach strongly advised gymnastics for overall body strength as well as balance and control. The perk for CFers is that it's also great airway clearance. I had no trouble getting and maintaining a 6 pack, I could outrun everyone in my class in track, and my PFT's were off the charts (113-120% predicted FEV1). Good luck!


New member
Increase your caloric intake, especially proteins. Then weight train, I would recommend developing all your muscles and not just your abs, but abdominal specific stuff is V-ups, tuck jumps and using weight with crunches (like if you can train with a buddy or a trainer, use a 5lb medicine ball and throw it to your buddy while doing the crunch). There's also usually an apparatus at the gym where you can sit upright in a chair and pull down with weights, or resistance bands.
<br />
<br />If you're really serious about it, talk to your parents about getting a personal trainer and a gym membership. Even if you only keep the trainer for a few weeks, they will create a workout regimen for you that you can follow.
<br />
<br />Me personally, when I was your age I started gymnastics with a few of my friends who were in soccer. Their coach strongly advised gymnastics for overall body strength as well as balance and control. The perk for CFers is that it's also great airway clearance. I had no trouble getting and maintaining a 6 pack, I could outrun everyone in my class in track, and my PFT's were off the charts (113-120% predicted FEV1). Good luck!