Skiing in france


New member
My Husband Nathan and I just love going skiing..WE took our son Joe when he was only one and hope that he will take up the sport...I know my Ruby is only a baby at the Moment but is there anything to stop her from sking one day...??
I dont know how the high altitude effects Cfers????? WE usually go to France or Switzerland and most of the time it is sunny but relatively cold...??
Anyone have any experiences???


New member
My husband use to go skiing all of the time and he loved it, he was wiped out at the end of the day but his body handled it well. He was sometimes affected by the cold weather, not so much the altitude and such, but he thought the fun was worth the cold.


We have visited relatives who live at a high altitude and Colleen seemed unaffected (granted it's been about 4-5 years since we've gone)!