Skin problems


New member
My daughter gets staph infections when she comes into contact with metal (zips, jewelery that isnt silver, watches) and rubber (e.g mats in pools) she needs steroid creams to clear it up or it gets pretty bad.

She has over come this "the metal allergy by painting clear nail polish on metal things".

She also gets heat rashes on arms that get all blistery.

So what I'm asking is does anyone else have skin probs and could it be because of her low immune system?


New member
My daughter gets staph infections when she comes into contact with metal (zips, jewelery that isnt silver, watches) and rubber (e.g mats in pools) she needs steroid creams to clear it up or it gets pretty bad.

She has over come this "the metal allergy by painting clear nail polish on metal things".

She also gets heat rashes on arms that get all blistery.

So what I'm asking is does anyone else have skin probs and could it be because of her low immune system?


New member
My daughter gets staph infections when she comes into contact with metal (zips, jewelery that isnt silver, watches) and rubber (e.g mats in pools) she needs steroid creams to clear it up or it gets pretty bad.

She has over come this "the metal allergy by painting clear nail polish on metal things".

She also gets heat rashes on arms that get all blistery.

So what I'm asking is does anyone else have skin probs and could it be because of her low immune system?