Sleep problems with cf


New member
Ok so my doc told me years ago that cf patients need more sleep because they burn more calories and energy then ppl without cf.

which comes to my question and im worried about it

lately i havnt been sleeping at all for two weeks i only get abouta hour and a half

I woke up 3 times in two hours and i couldnt get back to sleep this morning and i looked up some sleep disorders and it sounds like i have insomnia. i have all five symptoms and im trying to get into dr neffs office so i can get some help. Im always tired and i cant get energy to clean my house (its clean bc my bf cleans it mostly) im always yawning and i look horrible with black eyes. But the thing is i have no insurance..they took my insurnace again.

should i just go to neffs office and then when my insurance comes back in...(they pay for the last three months of drs appts) i can use that to pay for it?? i need some major help.

i cant see straight anymore and i have awful headaches.



New member
wish I could help you,

I get insomnia too. But not as bad as you it sounds. Two things have helped me, going to a chiropractor regularly for adjustments-i think it just relaxes your whoel neck and shoulders. And taking the natural supplement melatonin. You have to be careful not to take too much though, and check if it interferes with any conditions you have. when you take it, you fall asleep calmly within 15 minutes. You can get it at any health food store, and its non habit forming.

Also, many chiropractors reccomend it.


New member
Avoiding processed sugar from your diet.
Yoga helps to stretch and relax your muscles and helps with breathing. Your sleep will improve
Taking calcium and magnesium supplements before bedtime.
Only go to sleep when you feel the urge to sleep

if you think of stressful scenarios in your mind while you are in bed you will not sleep well.

Try NOT to force yourself to sleep when you are in bed. It should be a natural process. Some people close their eyes right away but let your eyes close by themselves. You will drift off before you know it. Sometimes look around the room do what you have to do but do not try and sleep. Try not to think oh no it is time to wake up and I am not sleeping yet. Just let your body flow and tell yourself that you will sleep when your body is ready to.

Try meditation or hypnosis that will help.

Of course talk to your doctor.
Sleep is important!


New member
I was going to mention meditiation like Risa. I usually find if I am having difficulty relaxing at night that I can put on a mellow CD and try meditating and I fall asleep within about 15 minutes or so. I just listen to my CD and lay in bed while I meditate. I normally wake up after about 30 minutes to my CD playing, turn it off and fall right asleep.



New member
some CFers have sleep apnea and need a C-pap. you might not be breathing right at night.

i would do whatever u can to see a sleep specialist and get into an overnight sleep study center so they can evaluate what's going on.

avoid sleeping pills until you find out what's making you stay awake (if it's sleep apnea, Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, Temazepam) could be a really bad idea.

Hope you feel better soon.



a couple home rememdies for sleep problems until you get to the doc...

eliminate caffeine from your diet
eliminate alcohol from your diet
Don't eat within 2 hours(3 would be better) of sleep time
Get healthy sleep habits, go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.
Don't go to bed until you are tired.
Don't exercise within 2 hours of sleep
Just in case you may have Obstructive sleep apnea, try sleeping on your side.

that is all I got...good night and sleep tight!



New member
I have these times tho I cant say its ever been quite qas bad as what you are experiencing. I dont have a problem going to sleep its staying asleep that was my problem! I dont have much other info from what others have offered except to try Sleepy Time Herbal tea. Its another relaxer!


New member
Along with what everyone else has said, there's only one other
thing I can suggest that may sound WAY out there...<br>
Room-darkening shades for your bedroom window.<br>
As an insomniac myself, I often find myself waking up at 6 and 7 AM
when I've only had maybe 4 hours of decent sleep.  I never
thought it was from sunlight, but I bought these room-darkening
shades from Linens N' Things over the weekend.  Now I stay
asleep for hours.  Sometimes I don't wake up until 12:30
because I think its still night out!  But at least I get my
This may or may not help, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


New member
with CF you never know if it could be caused by a breathing problem- when I started having trouble breathing @ night - I was getting NO sleep. I had a sleep study done and found out that I was not breathing good when I was asleep and now Im on 02/bi-pap @ night & I sleep perfect again becaues I can breath again. So, just eliminate that first.