

New member

For me every smoker is absolutely silly! It stinks, hurts yourself and innocent people, costs alot of money, there is nothing positive about it! If you want to commit suicide there are faster ways...



New member

I HATE smoking from anyone & I have lived around smokers all my life. Everyone from my Mom to my Husband. My feelings get more bitter about it as I get older. Basically (not talking about CFer who smoke because that to me is so ridiculous its not worth talking about) if someone has good lungs, why would they want to slowly hurt them along with others around them. Like many things in life if someone has something they take for granted it really pisses me off!


New member

When I was 19 I didn't have any signs of cf but I had tested positive for it. No one could believe that I had cf from my doctors to people with cf because I was healthy and didn't need any meds. I started to believe that I didn't have cf and started to smoke. I smoked for 18 years with some difficulty toward the end. The lung related problems I experienced I always attributed to asthma. Three years after I quit smoking (that was about 3 months ago) Iwent to a pulmonologist because I was having chronic lung infections. I wanted him to say I wasn't treating my asthma correctly or that my lungs just needed to heal more after smoking so long. Insted he took one look at my xray and said that he knew I had cf and it was progressing. He doen't dwell on the fact that I smoked so long but I know with all my heart that if I never started smoking, my cf would not have progressed like it did. Who knows, I could still be that person who never showed any signs and symptoms of cf to this day.

Smoking, like everything else, is a personal choice. You have to weight the consequences of your decision before making your chioce then live with the consequences. I make it my philosophy to never regret the choices I make in my life but to learn from the bad ones that I have made as to not make the same bad choice again.

Make your choice and live with the consequence. Never blame anyone for the choices YOU make. Good luck!!

Hey im turnin 18 and for a year and a half i smoked cigarettes and weed and the weird thing was i never got sick.. and then i quite and i was in and out of the hospital somuch it was crazy.. i miss smokin and sometimes wish i could still but i made promises i wouldnt.... but im not saying go smoke weed and cigs everyday cuz it makes your feel good cuz it might not do the same to you...



New member

You were sick because usually when you stop smoking, your lungs can finally eject all the crap that has built up inside them, and that can take months or years. It should pass.... I've never smoked myself, but so many friends who have/do. So stay strong, try to stay away from it, and as for weed, well, everything in moderation. I can't say I've never done it, but I could sure feel it for days/weeks afterwards. You're only 18, you can really get involved in your health if you can keep that addiction at bay.


New member

Im totally against smoking and especially for someone that has a lung disease, its like they want to be on thier death bed. I dont even like it when people smoke period, it stinks and its over all disgusting.


New member

I hate for anyone to smoke, but when I see or hear of a CFer smoking, it makes my blood boil. It makes all other CFers look bad, because most people who have heard of CF know it's a lung disease. Well, just think. If they see a CFer smoking, then they don't realize how serious the disease actually is. Why would someone want to donate time or money to something they didn't think was serious. I think CFers smoking ruin it for the rest of us who want to live.


New member

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sarabeth87</b></i>

I hate for anyone to smoke, but when I see or hear of a CFer smoking, it makes my blood boil. It makes all other CFers look bad, because most people who have heard of CF know it's a lung disease. Well, just think. If they see a CFer smoking, then they don't realize how serious the disease actually is. Why would someone want to donate time or money to something they didn't think was serious. I think CFers smoking ruin it for the rest of us who want to live.</end quote></div>

VERY TRUE.....if people only happen to encounter one CFer & that CFer happens to smoke then it blows the whole seriousness right out of the water.


New member

I'll leave my 2 cents. If you smoke.... You're %100 retarted regaurdless if you have CF or not. Have fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Absolutely crazy anyone who smokes. But it's their choice. Just don't do it around me.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


I hate everything about it!

the smell, the countless health hazards, not to mention those that do have an addiction seem to be able to justify spening money on smokes rather then what really is important

but I won't judge those that do smoke, it is your choice


New member

man all u people need 2 stop hateing. i dont smoke but i know many
people that do and its their choice. it has nothing 2 do wit u so
dont try and talk ***** about the smokers. also if u wanna say all
this ***** bout smokin then u have 2 talk about all the bad or dumb
stuff humans do. alot of people fight, take illegal drugs, drink,
drink heavily, curse, dont stretch, dont stay in shape. u can pin
point smoking all u want but the fact of the matter is that is only
1 of the millions of problems we have. so stop cryin about it and
just deal wit peoples decisions.


New member

hey cfboy u need to chill we no there is a lot of bad stuff out there and people do stupid things and what people decide to do or dont do is ther choice. we no this but we are aloud to have an opinion. and if we choose to have an opinion on somking then thats our choice. so Deal with our Decision


New member

In addition Smoking affects more than just the actual smoker. It affects everyone & everything around them even if its just stinking it up. Someones drinking is more self contained tho alcoholism & drinking/driving does affect others as well. I guess just like they have the right to choose to do these things, we have the right to complain! Isnt that what makes the world go around?!


New member

hi kateos, no,no,no,dnt go there apart from socially excluding 1s self due to the stink! it dont work well with cf also it cost a bomb and it aint kool cntry 2 belief. so naughty naughty to all u smokers esp the cf crowed? cj

I think anyone that smokes regardless c.f or not are not conscious
of what they are doing to their own body all they worry about is
the addiction i know i smoke and although i don't have c.f i regret
ever starting<br>
 also i have two girls with c.f and just want to say i would
never let any one smoke around my children or even in my home i
already know the fight they have without me contributting them


New member

I smoke mj and my lung function has increase 35% since ive started... I think its because of the inhaling,deep breathing and holding your breathe... And from all the research I've done the ONLY thing pot does is kill some brain cells. So If im getting healthier why not