so scared


New member
I have a lot of friends who know i have cf but they dont understand what i go through. Also i must get another surgery i am very scared because i myself dont know what to do. I have had many surgeries before but this time what if something goes wrong or im not strong enough to handle it what should i do? I also need advice on how too make it so my friends understand me.


New member
Unfortunately when someone has CF or any chronic illness, you really find out who your friends truly are. I know you are in need of support, but I do have to say that you cant "force" your friends to understand or try & understand. You need to find strength in yourself so that you can project that onto others. With that I think you will be able to pull out the people who will be of true support to you & not just a body saying they are a friend. Out of all my "friends", I have 3 people I can count on in life or death. These 3 (not counting husband, mother etc) I dont see/talk to on a regular basis, but our bond is closer then those I talk to everyday. I can go months without speaking with them, but if I need them or vice versa, everything stops & help is on the way. I found out in early years what "true" friends really are. 2 of the 3 friends I'm referring to are from my childhood & the other is a Mom of one of my daughters friends. Good Luck & remember that you always have this board to vent at!


New member
Hey there, I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! I have a around 25 surgery some being really serious like a liver transplant or some being simple like a biopsy....anyway, Once I was in the hospital for 3 months, the Dr.s did not know what was growing in my lungs, so every day there was a new surgery an let me tell you it was HARD. I always wondered if I was going to make it or if this was my last day. But I got through it and I keep living my life like that day was my last, (I still do) But anyway my point is that if you are walking with HIM and trusting Him, it will end up alright. I know this by personal experience. So, keep on keeping on!
Hope that helped!
Love & Prayers<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
The best way to have true friends is to get to know them by asking questions. see if anyone in their family has an illness. they might already be caring if they help a family member with an illness. see what kindof interests they have. my friend has a family member with an illness and really cares for me a lot. she has 6 brothers and they are all really nice. their love for everyone runs in the family.


New member
Well, honestly...none of your friends will fully understand you. I know it sucks...but it is reality. I have tried so many time to get my friends to understand me. They do understand to some point, but not fully. It does not mean they don't care they just can't understand unless they have been through something similar to what you are going through. I hope that you are able to have some awesome friends who will be right by your side. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">