social security questions


New member
I was just wondering if anyone knew if a parent who is a caregiver to a child wcf can qualify for social security benefits??? my husband works but i stay at home to care for our child.. were having trouble making ends meet but we dont seem to qualify for anything... we dont make all that much.. im just trying to explore all of our options.. thanks


New member
I think your child can qualify. You need to call social security. We tried and they said our kids were too healthy. I was told later we should have kept appealing


New member
Your child can qualify if they meet or equal any of the three CF listings for children, and most states have some sort of in home supportive services program where they pay a family member to care for a child, parent, spouse... I get $225 to "care for" my husband every month. Try food stamps as well, cash assistance... You can make your Food expenses for your CFer (if they have a HUGE appetite like most do) over and above what someone their age, weight and height eats, TAX DEDUCTIBLE and a medical deduction for Food stamps when they figure your income. I had to take that last one to appeals court in WA and CA (for it to count as a medical deduction for food stamps) but I won in both states and can email you a copy of the approval so you can show your FS office.

If you do a search for social security, or impairment listings (I believe) you will find quite a few posts about this topic, and on five or six of them I put the link to the imparment listings for children and adults. I am on vaca now so I don't have my home computer where it is saved on my favorites, and I have to get up in a few hours to go and "play" but if you look it up on this site you should be able to find the impairment listings. If not, email me at the above addy and I will get it for you when I get home.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
dont mind me for being too nosey.. i was just wondering what the name of the program is that gives you money to care for a family memeber... thanks a bunch


New member
It's a different name in every state, but in California it is called In home supportive Services. If you go to your states local Department of Health and Sevices office (where you can apply for food stamps, medicaid, cash assistance....) they should have info on the program. I found CA's by looking around online for a few days.

And I never mind nosey questions, actually, it's not even nosey-we are all here to help eachother so ask away

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)