something to think about...


New member
Geez.... i'm sorry, but i have to say.... every thing on this web site is SO depressing... you have ppl talking about kids dying, life expectancy only being 30! Can't we talk about something nice that DOESN't sound like a guidence counselor said it! i'm kinda tired of people making their life sound like it sucks.... i'm sorry, but it could be worse. I sound SO HORRIBLE, but i came on this site becaus i was feeling sad about my life, and i wanted to get cheered up... it just makes you feel worse! can't we talk about all of the things we have over come and accomplished in our lives? like me, i overcame diabetes, am still living, getting straight A's (including gym!) even thought i'v missed a lot of school, and this week i'm going to talk to a bunch of other kids in my old school with health concerns about how i've over come the worst and i might actually make something of my life... insted of dwelling on all the bad things... so we might die at the age of 30... some one with out CF my die at the age of 16 from a car accident, or we might live until were 130! the truth is, even if we die sooner then some, we have over came so much. i'm not here to preach or offend any body AT ALL but i think we should focus more on the good insted of the bad... thats what these sites are for... help, not pity.


New member
sorry, more from me... but i would like to hear more about this and what other people think... i would even just like to talk! i'm a 13/f/wisconsin and i have cf.... i would like to hear from others... u can IM me at Ban8han or email me at i would really like to hear from others


New member
Hey there,I agree things tend to be depressing. I don't pay attention to life expectancy things anyway. They always seem to be false anyway. I am a member of another site and there are cfers in their 50s and cfers with their own kids. We talk abut anythign and everything. Some of it depressing but most of the time not. Alot of sharing info. We are goofy there. Especially in chat. I am not trying to make people leave this stie cus its great too. especially for info. But if you want a more active site go to and paste the link. But if you don't want to go there tahts cool to. Congrat on talking to your school. thats awsome. I am 21 with cf. I love my life. I hated school though. I just didn't like it, not for me. I had all A's and B's but i still. I have a mini dachshund who is like my son, he is so goofy. I am also married, 2 years running. I love being married. Its great. Anyway if you want to talk more jsut post or email me at akcooper_01@hotmail.comAmanda