Son being tested


New member
My son is 6 yrs old and is going Monday 4-11-05 for a sweat test. This is all really new to me and I am really confused. About 3 weeks ago we seen his peditrician due to my son starting to have accidents and frequent urination. First they referred us to an endocrinoligist for diabetes, which we seen yesterday. Didn't find out too much at that appointment except for the fact she wants this sweat test done. She was concerned because of all of is upper resp. infections in the past and that he had been in the hospital twice the first years with RSV. Now no one has ever mentioned CF to me in the past. And now he seems to not be as sick as he used to be when he was younger. There is about twice a year he gets a cold and it always goes to his chest. He ends up on albuteral treatments. Usually November and February or March. In fact he has one now. By reading what I have read he doesn't really have any of these symptoms. The endocrinolist said that somethimes with CF you can have high blood suger readings. Does anyone out there experience this?



New member
I don't know about the high blood sugar readings, but I just thought you'd want to know, Not everyone with CF has all the symptoms. Although most of us need digestive enzymes, some can digest their food fine without. Some people don't have any noticable symptoms at all, until they go to the doctor for a fertility test or something like that and get hit with the bad news (common symptom with males). So, unfotunately, there's no way to tell until the sweat test is done. Good luck, and keep us posted. you'll find a lot of support here. Though, you might want to try posting in the "families" topic. i'm not sure that many people come into the young people topic. At least, there aren't many posts. Take care

22 w/cf