DS' vitamins aren't covered by insurance, and I too got a free sample of the bubble gum ones when we had issues finding aquaAdeks. I get them right from the company who manufactures them and I buy three bottles at a time so I get free shipping --- $29.95 for a bottle of 90 tablets -- Saves me $7. DS takes two chewables a day. I thought their prices were cheaper than the CF Services pharmacy ($35.95 per bottle) and I really didn't find any other sites that had them. I just checked their site and they do have vitamax chewables in orange, cherry & grape for a lot less money. Don't know how they taste.
I haven't checked with our pharmacist to see if he could get them. His prices are usually very competitive, but when he was looking for AquaAdeks, he checked for some different brands and also had issues with back orders and availability.