

New member
My sputum is almost always yellowish green. When I go on antibitics it will be white for a week or two and then it goes right back. When I feel good still have the color to my sputum. I just don't produce as much. Is any one else like this? I can remeber a time that I didn't have color to my sputum when I wasn't on antibitics. My doctor doesn't seem to be too concerned. He hasn't done anything drastic. I have only be on IV antibiotics three times and weeks later I had yellowish green sputum...Am I alone in this?


New member
Lately mine's been greenish too. I'm not sure how long. Usually the hypertonic saline turns it a much lighter shade, but it gets darker again a couple hours later.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>gsplover</b></i>

When I feel good still have the color to my sputum. I just don't produce as much. Is any one else like this?</end quote></div>

i'm the same way... usually has color but amount and consistency change with me more than color...


New member
I'm pretty sure it's the psuedo that makes it green so it's going to stay green no matter how good we feel, in some charming shade anyway.

littledebbie not logged in


New member
The same thing happens to me. When I'm done with antibiotics it is usually white and usually within two weeks it is back to green. Like someone else said, the consistency changes more than the color.