My son is three months and was just diagnosed about 2 months ago. Like a lot of families, we live paycheck to paycheck. I was referred to CCS to help for the cost of his medical bills, and was denied because we are 500 dollars over the limit. The CCS rep suggested we try for SSI or healthy families. SSI would automatically give him a medical card if we qualify, but the qualification process takes 6 months. Healthy families is only 12 dollars a month, 5 dollar co-pay, and 5 dollar perscriptions, but I cannot have him on any other insurance. The insurance he is on now is through my work with a 40 dollar co-pay, at least 50 dollars on meds, and is not 100 percent coverage. As a result, I'm up to about 5000 dollars in bills right now, and they are still coming. I know that cfrs have a hard time finding insurance coverage. Any ideas on ballancing costs on medical bills, or other inurance advise?
Andrea- Logan 3 months old w/cf
Andrea- Logan 3 months old w/cf