
New member
Does anyone know if your child gets SSI in the state of Ohio if the SSI money counts as unearned income for the child when they go to qualify your child for the medicaid?? Julie had informed me that in 32 states if you get SSI you "automatically" get the Medicaid, BUT OHIO (where we live-figures...). I know that we don't have to pay taxes on the SSI money, I am thinking if you have to claim it then we lose the medicaid and that is more important to our child than the SSI money!! All this stuff is enough to drive you crazy!

I bet Julie will have an answer to this question.




New member
Angie, I don't have a specific answer, but here are some links that might help you....

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://"></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> ("SSI does not count as income. Certain medical deductions will be allowed). This would be a good area to investigate the food deduction related to CF. BY law, it IS a medical deduction... if you need more info, you know who to ask. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> -THis one isn't SO applicable now, but if they somehow determine you elgible for medicaid, you will likely be able to get some in home assistance. This can give you a huge break. It's information that I think would be worth hanging onto.

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>- it's a little similar to a previous one, but there are some differences and some more information.

Hopefully this should put you in the right direction......


New member
Does anyone know if you are a parent with CF- do you get ssdisability money for your healthy children? Just wondering??? Have to start the process to apply for ss disability soon. Thanks!


New member
I do get SS for my healthy daughter until she is 16 as long as I am disabled. If I should die my husband can continue collecting for her until age 19 or she graduates high school. This is in additon for my own $$$. Please note that SS requires she do an annual account of the kids monies which includes bank accounts being in the SS recipients name. I found this out when the $$$ went from out checking account (which was direct deposit from SS) into a savings account thru my husband job (credit union). We had to change it so my name was on it since the monies were being issued under my name. Unless you are really screwing the kids, it isnt a problem to account for the $$$. Something else to when its time to file income tax. Some of the SS might be taxed. The only way to know for sure is my filing your tax return. The amount of SS taxed depends on the total household income. I decided to have the most that they will with hold (30 % I think) from my check so I didnt end up paying at the time of filing taxes. I only did it with my check no need to touch my daughters. Once I found out that that was way more than I needed to voluntarily hold, I chose to keep it that way because we got a big return at tax time. It means a lot less $$$ each month tho. Basically I didnt know what to expect so I expected the worst & it worked out great for us.


New member

We are new to the SSI income for our 2 kids. I had asked the office several times and I got it written that they do not pay taxes on the money. I get scared because then I hear people say you do. I wonder what really determines that??

Also as far as expenses for the kids. I have heard that these things can be used with their money. Example: There are 6 of us in the household, so the house payment divided by 6 is their portion to pay. I wondered as far as taxes and insurance on the house-- we don't have it escrowed into the loan, but I didn't know if we can use money for that as well (on a monthly basis or a bi-yearly basis when we are billed?) I klnow we need to account for all the money,which is easy to do, but I wondered about that. I have a friend that says she takes all of her monthly bills and then her daughter pays a portion of that expense monthly. Seems weird, I just want to make sure I have all my bases covered. I also figure food expenses as taking the total bill and dividing by 6. It is a lot of figuring, but it is a real blessing to have it for the kids.



New member
My daughter gets SSI and has for along time we do not pay taxes on that money. To account for the money is easy and I have never been questioned either (which is very nice, because you sure do get that enough with everything else you try and do for her). Angie I have two children w/ CF as well, I have been trying to get SSI on my second child and am always getting denied due to the fact of they say he is not bad enough. I do have them at total opposite sides as far as their health, however, the dr. is the one that keeps having me apply. Are your childrens health about the same? I don't know what to do I really could use the extra coverage on my son, the money itself does not really make a difference but the extra insurance does. I have tried many avenues trying to get extra coverage and everything fails. I pay about $700.00 a month for my husban and two children for their insurance and the county pays for mine. By the time that happens there is no money on my check so we the more frequent hospital/iv's on my son it is really starting to hurt. Does anyone have in suggestions? I live in VA, Thanks!


New member
I guess I didnt realize the disability you are talking about is SSI which is income based & is not taxable. What I get for my daugher & I is SSDI which is based on my work history & can be taxable because of the level of combined income of that & my husbands wages. As far as accounting for my daughters $$$ I do divide everything into thirds (husband, myself, daughter) for all expenses including internet/phone because she actually uses them more than my husband LOL! This includes some remodeling of the house since she has use (1/3 so to speak) of it. If it was something that she got no benefit from then it wouldnt count. As long as she is getting benefit from any utility, food, remodeling etc then 1/3 for her is not unreasonable. Even if 1/3 of something isnt 100% correct it is made up somewhere else.


New member
Thanks Melissa and the above poster. I actually have 1 child with CF and 1 with a rare chromsome deletion of 9q21.2 q 22.1. My daughter is severly delayed and is 3 years old but is more like a 15 month old right now and isn't getting much better. We don't know what to expect with her future health conditions, because everyone and chromosome deletions are different. We had about a 1 in 6 million chance of this happening and it happened to us, bad enough we have a 4 year old with the CF. We thought we were fine with her because I had the amino before she was born, not that I still wouldn't of had her, but we wanted to know. It came back negative,so we were so happy--just to get slapped with this! She has severe seizures, other than the sensory issues, developemntal delays, speech delays and future unknowns we wouldn't trade her for the world! She goes to a special needs school 4 days a week. That is one thing with the cf and our son we are feeling more comfortable because we know how to deal with it and what he needs, etc., with our daughter is much different. Thanks again for you reply's! I just found this forum about a month ago and I am learning alot!



New member
The big clairification here might be that SSI money is NEVER EVER Taxed, NEVER!

SSDI money is subject to taxation based on the amount, the name of the person it was paid to (and of course based on any other income they had). For example, I earn about 20k a year and my husband got 9k this year in SSDI benefits. It is EXTREMELY unlikely that any of his benefits will be taxed. Now, if I had earned 50-60k and his SSDI benefits were about 10-15k it is much more likely that it would be subject to taxation.

We also use food for medical deductions and our total medical deductions for the year are about 11k-so that helps even it out....