Stem cell research


New member
Hey everyone,
I have a question....My husband asked our doctor if stem cell research was going to help scienctists find a cure for CF....He said No. Is this what you all have heard? Our doctor is an accredited CF doctor so he should know what he is talking about.
Lynsey- Mom to Avery 2 yrs. w/CF and Rhett 7 mos.


New member
That is one of the most moronic things I've ever heard.

Unless your doctor has a crystal ball - there is no way to know what is going to come of stem cell research.


New member
Go to the UK Gene therapy Constortium site....just type that in the search and it should come up..(cant remember the site) it shows you how stem cell research is at the forefront of medical advancements,,I am surprised by your Dr's reaction...yes they do not know it will happen but you cant just rule it out..maybe he didnt want you to get your hopes up???Paula


New member
Hey I asked our CF doctor also and he said no, he said that stem cell would help other diseases but not CF

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


Right now I think everything is a little too unsure to be so definite. Who knows.


New member
I am sorry but Medicine is not an exact science. No one can say for sure if or when things will happen. I dont go holding my breath for things, but I believe eventually things will be developed. The more the politics are involved, the longer it will take!