

New member
I just got off the phone with my son's cf nurse. I asked about the preliminary test at the hospital that they had said was most likely PA. She said its still preliminary, but its not PA, its something called Stenotrothomonas, its secondary name is maltophilia. She said its not something thats treated unless its causing a problem, like how they treat staph. She did say it tends to be resistant to a lot of drugs, but Bactrim and a couple others would work. (I forgot what they were my mind was racing.) I asked if he should be on something like Tobi and she said no.

Anyways, if anyone knows anything about this or better yet cultures it themselves please give me some info. I'm going to go do some research online but figured you guys would have first hand experiences.



New member
Amber, Maybe you already know this but in case you don't you can search this site. I entered maltophilia and at least a dozen results of past posts popped up regarding the organism your son cultured. Sorry I don't have any personal experience with this one.



New member
Thanks, I was so busy trying to lok it up online that I didn't even think of that. From what I've read so far, it seems to be less serious than PA, but resistant to drugs used to treat PA.


Digital opinion leader
Josh has Steno too. He takes bactrim for it. Bactrim is also one of the three drugs he is taking for the myco bacteria so it covers both.

He's also been on cefapime, but he's allergic.

Here's a good link:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
Thank you Jane for that link. Can I ask if Josh always take something for it (Bactrim) or only when its causing a problem?



Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Thank you Jane for that link. Can I ask if Josh always take something for it (Bactrim) or only when its causing a problem?

Amber</end quote></div>

He is currently on the oral bactrim for the mycobacteria, but has been on Bactrim IV when he has an infection.


New member
Caleb always cultures stemtp and staph. They have never tried to get rid of it. they only give him a antibiotic when he comes down with something (they go by culture results when they pick which antibiotic to put him on).. He is alergic to bactrim and augmentin now so we cant use those any more but they both worked great on him until he broke out in hives <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry im not a whole lot of help!
If you have a specific question let me know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 5wcf


New member
<b>Did the docs try to erradicate it at first culture? If so, what did they do?</b> Vinny's done 3 rounds of oral meds and prednisone, then 2 weeks of IV's because the cough wasn't responding to the oral's. This was all before they knew it was sten malt because their cultures didn't show it until the one they took when he was admitted for the IVs. I guess if none of this kicked it, he's colonized. I'm not sure, we're not due back to clinic until Oct 11 and he hasn't had a culture since the IVs.

I guess its kind of good news, even though I obviously don't want him to culture any "nasties". By the preliminary culture results they had thought PA, but after letting it grow a few more days they're now saying S. maltophilia. From the research I've done today it seems that its not as problematic as PA, although it tends to be resistant to a lot of drugs used to treat PA. Originally I was freaking out a little because I'd never heard of it, but it seems to not be as bad as PA.



New member
Did the docs try to erradicate it at first culture? If so, what did they do?

No they never tried to erradicate it... they didnt even seem the least bit concerned about it.. I was the only one freaking out <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

They just treat him with whatever his culture is sensitive to when he comes down with something..

Melissa mom to dylan 7no cf and caleb 5 wcf