I just got off the phone with my son's cf nurse. I asked about the preliminary test at the hospital that they had said was most likely PA. She said its still preliminary, but its not PA, its something called Stenotrothomonas, its secondary name is maltophilia. She said its not something thats treated unless its causing a problem, like how they treat staph. She did say it tends to be resistant to a lot of drugs, but Bactrim and a couple others would work. (I forgot what they were my mind was racing.) I asked if he should be on something like Tobi and she said no.
Anyways, if anyone knows anything about this or better yet cultures it themselves please give me some info. I'm going to go do some research online but figured you guys would have first hand experiences.
Anyways, if anyone knows anything about this or better yet cultures it themselves please give me some info. I'm going to go do some research online but figured you guys would have first hand experiences.