On February 8th our pediatrician told us our son now 14 months had CF. on Feb 12th we wee told he is probably just a carrier because he was so tall...we know he has one copy of G542X mutation...he had very few pulmonary issues...usually we don't see constipation as an issue blah blah. on feb 13th the sweat test cameback borderline. we were told 4-6 weeks for the results of the full genetic panel. It was 6 weeks today. We were told atleast 1 more week. <b>I feel like running my head into the wall.</b> I was better when I believed he had CF...I cried for 72 hours straight...but I was preparing to manage his diet, exercise, etc...it was known . All the problems he has had in the meantime have been...I don't know how to explain...let's wait until we get the test results....all this suffering...all the needles...the petechiae...the suffering....I just want to know why...for 3 days I believed my son had CF and atleast I had a reason for it all...I knew there were treatments...now if it is not CF there will be more tests...more waiting. There have been so many already. Please pray that we get an answer soon. Sorry to ramble...I just need to vent.