stomach flu


New member
Well i know i havent posted in a while.. well i had to go back to work and ashton has been doing AMAZING in daycare!! although we hhad to keep him home yesterday because he had a 102.5 fever and diarrhea so we stopped his real food and formula and went to pedialyte like the dr's suggested.. this am he still has a 102.5 fever and now his diarrhea is white and creamy..(sorry bout the details..) has anyone else delt with white stools following the stomach flu.. hes still just drinking pedialyte and eating a few crackers here or there.. nd this kiddo usually eats me out of house and home.. i know as long as i keep him hydrated he should be ok but i wasent expecting the white stools.. talk to everyone later hes sleeping right now so i need to get some stuff done!!


New member
Well i know i havent posted in a while.. well i had to go back to work and ashton has been doing AMAZING in daycare!! although we hhad to keep him home yesterday because he had a 102.5 fever and diarrhea so we stopped his real food and formula and went to pedialyte like the dr's suggested.. this am he still has a 102.5 fever and now his diarrhea is white and creamy..(sorry bout the details..) has anyone else delt with white stools following the stomach flu.. hes still just drinking pedialyte and eating a few crackers here or there.. nd this kiddo usually eats me out of house and home.. i know as long as i keep him hydrated he should be ok but i wasent expecting the white stools.. talk to everyone later hes sleeping right now so i need to get some stuff done!!


New member
Well i know i havent posted in a while.. well i had to go back to work and ashton has been doing AMAZING in daycare!! although we hhad to keep him home yesterday because he had a 102.5 fever and diarrhea so we stopped his real food and formula and went to pedialyte like the dr's suggested.. this am he still has a 102.5 fever and now his diarrhea is white and creamy..(sorry bout the details..) has anyone else delt with white stools following the stomach flu.. hes still just drinking pedialyte and eating a few crackers here or there.. nd this kiddo usually eats me out of house and home.. i know as long as i keep him hydrated he should be ok but i wasent expecting the white stools.. talk to everyone later hes sleeping right now so i need to get some stuff done!!


New member
My family just endured a 24hr stomach bug: first it hit my 3 year old son (the one w/CF) then bounced its way through the rest of us. Watch out. Anyway, it hit him with vomiting but 2 days later after it was over he had diarrhea for the day, but just normal color. He often has pale colored bowel movements though and when we've mentioned it to his doctors they've not expressed any concern; he eats nothing from the vegetable family other than french fries so not much source of coloration going in.

FYI: pedialyte popsicles were a big hit with the boy.


New member
My family just endured a 24hr stomach bug: first it hit my 3 year old son (the one w/CF) then bounced its way through the rest of us. Watch out. Anyway, it hit him with vomiting but 2 days later after it was over he had diarrhea for the day, but just normal color. He often has pale colored bowel movements though and when we've mentioned it to his doctors they've not expressed any concern; he eats nothing from the vegetable family other than french fries so not much source of coloration going in.

FYI: pedialyte popsicles were a big hit with the boy.


New member
My family just endured a 24hr stomach bug: first it hit my 3 year old son (the one w/CF) then bounced its way through the rest of us. Watch out. Anyway, it hit him with vomiting but 2 days later after it was over he had diarrhea for the day, but just normal color. He often has pale colored bowel movements though and when we've mentioned it to his doctors they've not expressed any concern; he eats nothing from the vegetable family other than french fries so not much source of coloration going in.

FYI: pedialyte popsicles were a big hit with the boy.


Staff member
Last fall the stomach bug was going around Max's preschool -- fortunately he was the only one of his classmates who DIDN'T get it, but the director described white and chunky/curdy. Yummmm!

Just don't start food too quickly. A couple years ago when max had a stomach bug, he seemed fine, fever was down, so I gave him baby food Mac & cheese 'cuz he was hungry. Badddd Idea. Threw up down my back. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Last fall the stomach bug was going around Max's preschool -- fortunately he was the only one of his classmates who DIDN'T get it, but the director described white and chunky/curdy. Yummmm!

Just don't start food too quickly. A couple years ago when max had a stomach bug, he seemed fine, fever was down, so I gave him baby food Mac & cheese 'cuz he was hungry. Badddd Idea. Threw up down my back. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Last fall the stomach bug was going around Max's preschool -- fortunately he was the only one of his classmates who DIDN'T get it, but the director described white and chunky/curdy. Yummmm!

Just don't start food too quickly. A couple years ago when max had a stomach bug, he seemed fine, fever was down, so I gave him baby food Mac & cheese 'cuz he was hungry. Badddd Idea. Threw up down my back. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter, before she was diagnosed, always had white poos that were wierd consistancies. That was my description to his specialist and he always looked at me weird. I have an idea that it had to do with malabsorption since it has been normal colour since starting enzymes.


New member
My daughter, before she was diagnosed, always had white poos that were wierd consistancies. That was my description to his specialist and he always looked at me weird. I have an idea that it had to do with malabsorption since it has been normal colour since starting enzymes.


New member
My daughter, before she was diagnosed, always had white poos that were wierd consistancies. That was my description to his specialist and he always looked at me weird. I have an idea that it had to do with malabsorption since it has been normal colour since starting enzymes.


Super Moderator
Maggie had a stomach bug last week. She had a fever up to 102.5/chills and complained of stomach ache. She did not throw up or have diahrea though. It lasted about 3 days and she recovered ok. I 'm not sure about the poops being white. It's important to keep the kids hydrated; we did gatorade, popscicles(yes for breakfast), pretzels if he can keep it down, gingerale. Maggie 's fever would make her so thirsty, I'ld even give her drinks at night cause she would get so thirsty from being so hot. I had to give her both tylenol and ibuprofen to keep her fever down(but ibuprofen upsets the tummy so you might want to avoid that)

Hope he feels better. Nobody else in our house got it(knock on wood) we wash our hands like crazy.


Super Moderator
Maggie had a stomach bug last week. She had a fever up to 102.5/chills and complained of stomach ache. She did not throw up or have diahrea though. It lasted about 3 days and she recovered ok. I 'm not sure about the poops being white. It's important to keep the kids hydrated; we did gatorade, popscicles(yes for breakfast), pretzels if he can keep it down, gingerale. Maggie 's fever would make her so thirsty, I'ld even give her drinks at night cause she would get so thirsty from being so hot. I had to give her both tylenol and ibuprofen to keep her fever down(but ibuprofen upsets the tummy so you might want to avoid that)

Hope he feels better. Nobody else in our house got it(knock on wood) we wash our hands like crazy.


Super Moderator
Maggie had a stomach bug last week. She had a fever up to 102.5/chills and complained of stomach ache. She did not throw up or have diahrea though. It lasted about 3 days and she recovered ok. I 'm not sure about the poops being white. It's important to keep the kids hydrated; we did gatorade, popscicles(yes for breakfast), pretzels if he can keep it down, gingerale. Maggie 's fever would make her so thirsty, I'ld even give her drinks at night cause she would get so thirsty from being so hot. I had to give her both tylenol and ibuprofen to keep her fever down(but ibuprofen upsets the tummy so you might want to avoid that)

Hope he feels better. Nobody else in our house got it(knock on wood) we wash our hands like crazy.


New member
Well his temp just now was 103.3 under his arm so 104.3 so i gve him tylenol and called the dr his stools are looking better but now hes giving me fits when drinking and has slept almost all day.. so we will see what they have to say!! talk to you later!


New member
Well his temp just now was 103.3 under his arm so 104.3 so i gve him tylenol and called the dr his stools are looking better but now hes giving me fits when drinking and has slept almost all day.. so we will see what they have to say!! talk to you later!


New member
Well his temp just now was 103.3 under his arm so 104.3 so i gve him tylenol and called the dr his stools are looking better but now hes giving me fits when drinking and has slept almost all day.. so we will see what they have to say!! talk to you later!