Stomach Pains


New member
Hi....36 female with CF. I have troubles with keeping regular. Since Tuesday I have been constipated and it kept me up all night and this time I was vomiting never did that before....I can go but it hurts and takes awhile. BUT now the stomach pains are still here(still not being able to go properly) and now it hurts to eat, have a drink, sit down lye down basically anything I do....IT HURTS!!! Does anyone else have this problem or go through this. Need relief soon!!!


New member
I went through something similair but it only happens when I'm in the hospital and I get a certain med. I had to have x-rays done to make sure I didnt have an obstruction in my bowel. Everything looked fine, I was just "full of it" if you know what I mean (I was also vomitting, and it hurt to sit/stand, I couldnt eat anything etc). I took a pill which my doctor called the "brown bomber" and about 45 mins later I could go to the bathroom again. And didnt have anymore problems. This probably doesnt help you much-but I would call your doctor if it gets worse or continues for a couple days!


New member

I too have horrible problems with irregularity!!! I think my last bout of constipation was about a week, but the one prior to that was going on 12 days with no BM and I was in complete misery!! I looked about 4 months pregnant and felt so horrible. I have to now take MiraLax regularly, along with Zelnorm. I actually alternate them....Zelnorm on day MiraLax the next. It took some time to play around with just the right combo/dosage so that I would keep going regularly, but also so that it didn't start getting too loose.

I can SOOOO sympathize with what you are going through. I have gone through so much crap (no pun intended!) with all of this GI stuff and I just want to feel "normal"! All of the pain, bloating, horrible gas, & constipation gets really exasperating to have to deal with day in and day out.

I hope that you are able to get some relief and get going on a more regular basis. I would ask your doc about MiraLax. Also trying stool softners may help.

GL and keep us posted!!!

jleigh 34 w/cf


New member
Being newly diagnosed, I went on Pacrecarb about 2 weeks and it's working a little too well, if you know what I mean...but I was going 3-5 times a day without the enzymes, and now with them it's about once every 3 days...and my stomach is KILLING me by day 3. My doc says to shoot for 1 a he's prescribed GlycoLax to help "keep me regular"...

36 w/CF


New member
My son just went through that and they admitted him. Gave him some liquid medicine through his nose (5Litres) for 7 hours until he only had a yellow liquid coming out. They same he was full of mucus too. Now he drinks 30ml of mineral oil at night.

So far so good now. No more pain and he is able to eat again.


New member
It's me again....the 36 yr old with stomach pains.....I have found that drinking a glass or 2 of Prune juice before bed REALLY REALLY helps and keeps me/you regular too.


New member
here is a great way to help stay regular and tastes fantastic pepermint patty, York its chocolate covered. I had alot of GI problems when I was young. to this day I still have one or two every day. Pepermint is a natural laxative and is soothing to your system.good luck