stopping breastfeeding


New member
Hi everyone,

I have been breastfeeding my five month old (with CF) and luckily he has not been sick once! I am thinking of stopping in the next month since I will be working again and pumping is very difficult in my job. My concern is will he get sick once I stop? Has this happened to any of you? I am terrified for that first cold, (which I know is inevitable) and I was just curious if anyone else's CFer got sick right after the breastfeeding, or if your child was sick while you nursed.



New member
In my opinion as a ,mom and a Cfer but not a mom of a Cfer, I would say bf for as long as you can - even if it is only at night. Breastmilk is miraculous!


New member
Hi Carrie,

I figured I'ld give a go at this question. First I'll state I'm very pro-breastfeeding. I breastfed my son for the first year of his life, he weaned when he was 15 months old. He does not have CF and he is extremely healthy. He rarely got colds while breastfeeding and still is quite healthy. I also breastfed my daughter, now 3 with CF, into her 3rd year(yes I know I'm nuts). She does get colds, even breastfedding while does provide immunity to lots of things cannot protect your child from everything. Your child with CF will get a cold, and they will get better. Colds are unavoidable. You can protect your child by careful handwashing, wipes down surfaces with antibacterial wipes and avoiding overtly sick people with coughs , fevers, etc.

If you choose to continue to breastfeed your child while going to work, I say it can be done(just to encourage you). I did it, I pumped in a lactation room on my dinnerbreak(I was an RN) I had an extremely busy stressful job and was able to pull it off with my son. YOu could also, do both breatfeed and supplement with a bottle while away. I am not trying to make you feel guilty at all if you wean because I think it's great you breastfed as long as you have. Let me know if you have any more questions but I gotta go cause dinner's gonna burn!

Rebecca(mom to sammy 7 no CF and MAggie 3 with CF)


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I never did breastfeed. It was a decision I'd made before I even knew DS was going to have CF. He went to daycare at 3 months. He'll be 3 in June. He had an ear infection at 4 months, caught a stomach bug at 14 months. Otherwise he did pretty darned good healthwise. Much better than my non-cfer cousin's kids -- she breastfed, was a stay at home mome and her youngest, who's two months younger that DS was always sick with colds, coughs, boogery noses...



New member
Hi Carri.

If you stop breast feeding your baby at 5months, he won't be at risk of getting sick. My 16month old daughter has CF and i breastfed her until 4months, she has been quiet healthy apart from having the flu twice during winter.

Breastfeeding is of course better/healthier, but if you can't do it don't feel bad and stress over it. I had to stop because i ddeveloped masitis and bleeding nipples, it was very painful.
I also know a mum who's 19month old daughter has CF. She never breastfed her, and she is also a healthy little girl.

You need to do what is best for both of you!

Best of luck
Eli<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Think hard before you stop breastfeeding. Breastmilk contains DHA which is know to be lacking in pwcf. This stops inflammation in the lungs. Check out this website before you stop:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">DHA and breastmilk advantages to lpwcf</a>

Good luck!


New member
I breastfed Hailey till she was 6months. She wasn't sick one day during that entire time. A few weeks after I wuit Hailey was sick all of the time. I wanted to continue but she refused to nurse I think she was associating breastmilk with stomach cramps because it was time for an increase in enzymes. I believe that Hailey was so healthy because of breastfeeding. It may have been a coincidence that she has been sick almost ever since we quit but I don't think it is.


New member
Most of the newer formulas say something on the label about similar to breastmilk and lipids such DHA and ARA. Although if you're using pregestimil (ewww nasty stuff, shudder...) then it might not have it in but parents choice, infamil with lipil, similac... They have that on the label. Liza


New member
Hi Rebecca. I just couldn't let that pass- you are NOT nuts to breastfeed your child into the threes. I wish our society didn't make people who have extended bf relationships feel so weird. That is kind of a hot button issue for me!
Do what is right for you and support other peoples' decisions about what is right for them!


New member

Check with your dietician too... when we had to stop breastfeeding because of liver problems we had trouble finding formula that didn't cause malabsorbtion problems. They put the kids on Pregestimil. $25 bucks a can! Ouch! Anyway... you may just want to be prepared knowing the symptoms of malabsorbtion.

Mom to Maren and Berne 1 year olds with CF


New member
I wouldn't feel guilty. Only my oldest and youngest(both w/CF) got any breastmilk and they have been the two sickest! The middle one w/CF was formula only and didn't really get sick until past a year old.

The youngest got pumped breastmilk for almost 3 months before I just couldn't get a lot out and my supply went downhill from stress. He doesn't take anything by mouth, totally tube fed and gets pregestimil. He actually really started putting on weight when we went to totally formula feeding!


New member
DS wouldn't eat pregestimil. Have any of you tasted that stuff -- tastes like a combination of vomit and the way roadkill smells. After struggling for a week, and arguing with the dietician, the doctor stepped in and said "feed the kid what he wants" -- switched to Infamil Lipil, 24 calorie and he did GREAT!



New member
Carrie, I have a 3yr old little girl with CF. I'm still breastfeeding. I have to say I've been lucky in that I've stayed home with her and didn't have to worry about pumping. She's only had a handful of colds that she's recovered from in 1-2 days. No ear infections, tummy problems, etc... We've been shocked at how healthy she's been and I'm sure it's mostly due to breastfeeding. I'm just now starting to wean her but it's not easy. She isn't giving up just yet. Good luck.
Jennifer (mom to Kimmie 3yrs w/cf)