I have question that may sound silly, and I even feel ridiculous asking the doctors about. I am new to all of this. I know that they say that childs skin will often taste salty, I have never actually tasted my daughter, but I do notice a smell, I know how this sounds, because of course sweat smells, but this is not an ordinary sweaty smell. It is very hard to describe, but it is very strong. If she walks in the house from playing in the back yard and has been sweating I can smell it instantly without even being near her. I always make sure that she gets enough water, but the smell is still there. This may be completly unrelated and if so please forgive me for sounding so strange. I just thought that maybe if there is a high amount of salt in their sweat it may produce a different sort of smell. It has been that way forever, I just feel so embarrassed to ask. Again, so sorry if this is a strange question, or completly unrelated. Thanks for any input.