Strange TOBI side effects


New member
My son cultured PA in February and was put on 14 days of Cipro and 28 days of inhaled TOBI. His re-culture showed it was still there so we did another round of Cipro and TOBI right away. We noticed that at first his voice sounded "wet" or phlegmy, which isn't to weird for our boy, but then he started clearing his throat a lot. Next came this shoulder shrugging type movement along with tipin his head way back, kind of like you would do if your tag was itching your neck. It was most noticeable when he was eating and/or playing. He's four and can't truly identify what and why he's doing it, but it became so frequent that people outside our family began noticing it as well. He's been done with the last cycle for about 5 days now and it has literally disappeared! Is it possibly a side effect of Tobi? And if so, why and how? As I sit typing this, I'm wondering if it was a kind of throat/airway clearance technique that he used naturally. Maybe his throat felt tighter or it was harder to swallow? Have you seen anything like this? I would love to hear . . .
And should I cross-post this in another forum?


New member
My son cultured PA in February and was put on 14 days of Cipro and 28 days of inhaled TOBI. His re-culture showed it was still there so we did another round of Cipro and TOBI right away. We noticed that at first his voice sounded "wet" or phlegmy, which isn't to weird for our boy, but then he started clearing his throat a lot. Next came this shoulder shrugging type movement along with tipin his head way back, kind of like you would do if your tag was itching your neck. It was most noticeable when he was eating and/or playing. He's four and can't truly identify what and why he's doing it, but it became so frequent that people outside our family began noticing it as well. He's been done with the last cycle for about 5 days now and it has literally disappeared! Is it possibly a side effect of Tobi? And if so, why and how? As I sit typing this, I'm wondering if it was a kind of throat/airway clearance technique that he used naturally. Maybe his throat felt tighter or it was harder to swallow? Have you seen anything like this? I would love to hear . . .
And should I cross-post this in another forum?


New member
My son cultured PA in February and was put on 14 days of Cipro and 28 days of inhaled TOBI. His re-culture showed it was still there so we did another round of Cipro and TOBI right away. We noticed that at first his voice sounded "wet" or phlegmy, which isn't to weird for our boy, but then he started clearing his throat a lot. Next came this shoulder shrugging type movement along with tipin his head way back, kind of like you would do if your tag was itching your neck. It was most noticeable when he was eating and/or playing. He's four and can't truly identify what and why he's doing it, but it became so frequent that people outside our family began noticing it as well. He's been done with the last cycle for about 5 days now and it has literally disappeared! Is it possibly a side effect of Tobi? And if so, why and how? As I sit typing this, I'm wondering if it was a kind of throat/airway clearance technique that he used naturally. Maybe his throat felt tighter or it was harder to swallow? Have you seen anything like this? I would love to hear . . .
And should I cross-post this in another forum?


New member
My son cultured PA in February and was put on 14 days of Cipro and 28 days of inhaled TOBI. His re-culture showed it was still there so we did another round of Cipro and TOBI right away. We noticed that at first his voice sounded "wet" or phlegmy, which isn't to weird for our boy, but then he started clearing his throat a lot. Next came this shoulder shrugging type movement along with tipin his head way back, kind of like you would do if your tag was itching your neck. It was most noticeable when he was eating and/or playing. He's four and can't truly identify what and why he's doing it, but it became so frequent that people outside our family began noticing it as well. He's been done with the last cycle for about 5 days now and it has literally disappeared! Is it possibly a side effect of Tobi? And if so, why and how? As I sit typing this, I'm wondering if it was a kind of throat/airway clearance technique that he used naturally. Maybe his throat felt tighter or it was harder to swallow? Have you seen anything like this? I would love to hear . . .
And should I cross-post this in another forum?


New member
My son cultured PA in February and was put on 14 days of Cipro and 28 days of inhaled TOBI. His re-culture showed it was still there so we did another round of Cipro and TOBI right away. We noticed that at first his voice sounded "wet" or phlegmy, which isn't to weird for our boy, but then he started clearing his throat a lot. Next came this shoulder shrugging type movement along with tipin his head way back, kind of like you would do if your tag was itching your neck. It was most noticeable when he was eating and/or playing. He's four and can't truly identify what and why he's doing it, but it became so frequent that people outside our family began noticing it as well. He's been done with the last cycle for about 5 days now and it has literally disappeared! Is it possibly a side effect of Tobi? And if so, why and how? As I sit typing this, I'm wondering if it was a kind of throat/airway clearance technique that he used naturally. Maybe his throat felt tighter or it was harder to swallow? Have you seen anything like this? I would love to hear . . .
<br />And should I cross-post this in another forum?
<br />Thanks!


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons gets a tight throat during tobi cycles. He also gets hoarse. I would mention it to your doctor.


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons gets a tight throat during tobi cycles. He also gets hoarse. I would mention it to your doctor.


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons gets a tight throat during tobi cycles. He also gets hoarse. I would mention it to your doctor.


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons gets a tight throat during tobi cycles. He also gets hoarse. I would mention it to your doctor.


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons gets a tight throat during tobi cycles. He also gets hoarse. I would mention it to your doctor.


New member
Tobi is very irritating to the airways, so our CF docs say. Lexi always gets a little more raspy and her voice sounds hoarse while on this medication.

Hope this helps.


New member
Tobi is very irritating to the airways, so our CF docs say. Lexi always gets a little more raspy and her voice sounds hoarse while on this medication.

Hope this helps.


New member
Tobi is very irritating to the airways, so our CF docs say. Lexi always gets a little more raspy and her voice sounds hoarse while on this medication.

Hope this helps.


New member
Tobi is very irritating to the airways, so our CF docs say. Lexi always gets a little more raspy and her voice sounds hoarse while on this medication.

Hope this helps.


New member
Tobi is very irritating to the airways, so our CF docs say. Lexi always gets a little more raspy and her voice sounds hoarse while on this medication.
<br />
<br />Hope this helps.
<br />Melissa


New member
i get the same thing when im on tobi i had people say man u clear u throat a lot so i stoped doing tobi for a week and just did my other meds. and i did notic that i was doing it a lot more when i was on tobi and spiting up the mouscis


New member
i get the same thing when im on tobi i had people say man u clear u throat a lot so i stoped doing tobi for a week and just did my other meds. and i did notic that i was doing it a lot more when i was on tobi and spiting up the mouscis


New member
i get the same thing when im on tobi i had people say man u clear u throat a lot so i stoped doing tobi for a week and just did my other meds. and i did notic that i was doing it a lot more when i was on tobi and spiting up the mouscis


New member
i get the same thing when im on tobi i had people say man u clear u throat a lot so i stoped doing tobi for a week and just did my other meds. and i did notic that i was doing it a lot more when i was on tobi and spiting up the mouscis


New member
i get the same thing when im on tobi i had people say man u clear u throat a lot so i stoped doing tobi for a week and just did my other meds. and i did notic that i was doing it a lot more when i was on tobi and spiting up the mouscis