Hey you know what i noticed is the more stressed out iam the sicker i get. I get so tired and run down from all the stress i get sick, and when i worry bout everything i get these horible headaches. Right now im so sick everytime i cough i throw up my nose is supper stuffy and the headaches are not going away. My familys crazy stressing me out and all i want is to go back to NY and be with my boyfriend. I dont know what to do , my dad ask me to take my treatments i been taking at least two a day and he never believes me and lately i think he cares more bout his girlfriend then me and my nanny is just annoying with all her stupid comments and opinions. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO

well imma go talk to my boyfriend

HELP PLEASE <img src=""><img src="">


New member

I learned how much stress can hurt. You are the only person that can take that away. Change your thoughts and you will feel better eventually. Once you get sick it is hard to get rid of a cold or virus quickly but when you get better remember not to stress at all. Nothing is too important. In the end the person who stresses out will be hurting and you do not want to hurt yourself. People disappoint us all the time but you put yourself in a I am independent mood, nothing can really bother you. You might have to lean on your Father for money perhaps but he cannot make you feel bad unless you let him. Try and think of how he feels. He is worried about you and maybe he is coming across in a negative way (or a way that you do not like to be treated) just remember he does care about you and probably does not know how to show you the love or caring nature that you desire. Just remember its the thought that counts. Be good to yourself as you have a life to lead so change your thinking process and do not let anyone make you feel bad. If you take excellent care of your health, your emotional state will change as well. CF is not an easy illness but it requires a positive mind and a body that wants to put forth a lot of effort. ~Risa


New member
Stress can surpress your immune system, for sure. It can create more inflammation. Risa's comments are excellent... I think i will follow her advice myself <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">