Stressed out Cold season again


New member
Maggie has a cold, woke uplast night stuffy nose, this am boogers like crazy. My son just got over a cold/cough(seemed to just last 3 days although he does not have CF and he's older/bigger) Maggie also has been having sinus problems, I've been irrigating her sinuses with hypertonic saline rinse that was prescribed. So she already had a post-nasal cough/throat tickle like cough before this yucky cold started. My mom's intuition tells me she's gonna need antibiotics to get rid of this.(She has MRSA so we have only one oral we can use which works well for her)

I'm upping her VEST nebs. I called the CF nurse she said to give our CF doc a call but of course he's not in til tomorrow. I'm choosing to wait til tomorrow to call and speak with her doc because I'm not comfortable dealing with anyone else(his coverage whatever) If I thought it was an emergency of course I'ld call her regular ped fopr input. Am I being reasonable?

Do you think I'm doing the right thing?


Stressed out Rebecca(mom to sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
What you're doing is what our son's CF doctor tends to prescribe: more CPT/vest/albuterol and add antibiotics if the cough/congestion seems worsening instead of lessening after a week. Our son was 3 this past April so is about the same age as your Maggie.

Coincidentally, I've got a call in today to his CF Dr. because of an increasing cough that came on half-way through a 28-day round of Tobi. We're wondering if the cough might be a Tobi side-effect because the same thing has happened before...


New member
Rebecca, I think you are fine (more than fine). Give the cold a chance to work through even if she is coughing (I know it is hard). Have you tried UMKA? It works wonders for colds, especially for congestion/cough. Get powdered vitamin C and sprinkle it in her juice or on applesauce. Lavender and/or thyme essensial oils in a diffuser to scent the room is very calming and can help alot with colds (oil sits on top in a metel dish and a tea light is below it to warm the oil letting the scent fill the room). I love it any 'ole time but the kids like it when they are sick .

She very well may not need antibiotics. Give it 10-14 days and see what happens like the other mom said.

Good luck...I am stocking up for cold season as well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. I think year 3-4 is just colds every 6 weeks or so and is considered normal immune system stuff. My older daughter was this was and now at 6 get them very infrequently. It sucks of course but I try to tell myself they are building their immune system during colds...makes me fee less stressed out.

folione...Ben coughed a little more with the TOBI as well. It was temporary and went away.



New member
Thanks for your replies. Both kids definately have some sort of viral cold thing . My son no CF fell asleep on the couch yesterday and woke up with 100.8 temp, felt better after Tylenol. Maggie fell asleep too but no temp, yet(although I had given her Ibuprofen earlier) Both my kids do NOT nap so they are fighitng something.

I just get very nervous that Maggie's cough will progess(it did last summer) I don't want to jump the gun with antibiotics but Jody is right it's so hard to listen to them cough and be congested.

I will call her CF doc and let him hear what's going on. We have an appointment in a week to see him for routine stuff anyway. The good thing is Maggie slept last night and is actually still sleeping now. We'll continue to take it easy and d lots of VESt/ neb time.

Rebecca, still worried mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
Hi! We are going through the same thing right now. My son started out with a clear runny nose and has had that for a week. Then a couple of days ago he starts the coughing and sounds a little congested. So now I am at the what to do stage? Should I call the doc. or just give it a few days....I also do not want to jump the gun on this one and have him taking antibiotics for something that is possibly viral but I also do not want it to get worse. So I am feeling your pain!! I guess I will decide what to do when he wakes up and I see how he is feeling today!! Hope your kiddos are feeling better soon!
Mom to
Daniel (no cf)
Emily (no cf)
Ethan (no cf)
Sawyer (cf)


New member
Well, Maggie starting antibiotics today. Her cough was getting pretty bad yesterday, nonstop. It was wet and sounding like her"bad" cough. She's been good about doing her nebs vest. She seems a little better today, pale but coughing less(still a wet cough) So we're taking it easy for a couple days, seeing the doc on Tues and hopefully we're nipping this in the bud.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member

Just curious if you called the doc. How is your son feeling?

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)