Suggestions for a less expensive neb for Xopenex and HS?


New member
Okay, CF Services has upped the price on their Pari LC + nebs (from $11 to $14) and I am ready to look for a less expensive, boilable (is that a word?) neb to use with my Xopenex and HS (I will still be using the Pari LC + for my pulmozyme and Tobi, etc.) and will be using it with my Pari Proneb Ultra II.
I usually use 8-9 nebs at a time (for 6 months) and that extra $54 apparently is my breaking point,lol. It has also been a very long time since I used anything other than the Pari nebs.

Does anyone have any suggestions? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay, CF Services has upped the price on their Pari LC + nebs (from $11 to $14) and I am ready to look for a less expensive, boilable (is that a word?) neb to use with my Xopenex and HS (I will still be using the Pari LC + for my pulmozyme and Tobi, etc.) and will be using it with my Pari Proneb Ultra II.
I usually use 8-9 nebs at a time (for 6 months) and that extra $54 apparently is my breaking point,lol. It has also been a very long time since I used anything other than the Pari nebs.

Does anyone have any suggestions? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay, CF Services has upped the price on their Pari LC + nebs (from $11 to $14) and I am ready to look for a less expensive, boilable (is that a word?) neb to use with my Xopenex and HS (I will still be using the Pari LC + for my pulmozyme and Tobi, etc.) and will be using it with my Pari Proneb Ultra II.
I usually use 8-9 nebs at a time (for 6 months) and that extra $54 apparently is my breaking point,lol. It has also been a very long time since I used anything other than the Pari nebs.

Does anyone have any suggestions? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay, CF Services has upped the price on their Pari LC + nebs (from $11 to $14) and I am ready to look for a less expensive, boilable (is that a word?) neb to use with my Xopenex and HS (I will still be using the Pari LC + for my pulmozyme and Tobi, etc.) and will be using it with my Pari Proneb Ultra II.
I usually use 8-9 nebs at a time (for 6 months) and that extra $54 apparently is my breaking point,lol. It has also been a very long time since I used anything other than the Pari nebs.

Does anyone have any suggestions? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay, CF Services has upped the price on their Pari LC + nebs (from $11 to $14) and I am ready to look for a less expensive, boilable (is that a word?) neb to use with my Xopenex and HS (I will still be using the Pari LC + for my pulmozyme and Tobi, etc.) and will be using it with my Pari Proneb Ultra II.
<br />I usually use 8-9 nebs at a time (for 6 months) and that extra $54 apparently is my breaking point,lol. It has also been a very long time since I used anything other than the Pari nebs.
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<br />Does anyone have any suggestions? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I get a free pari from cf serv every 3rd order or something like that. I wonder why you have to pay... I didn't think it had to do with insurance, but the fact of getting pulmo through them. Maybe I have that all wrong???

I use the same (pari) neb for my xopenex, pulmo, and hts, (and soon, tobi). Once the xopen runs dry, then I add the pulmo, and when that runs dry, I add the hts. I was told this was ok to do by my cf team, as long as there is no mixing or too much diluting when I do that. This way I'm only using one neb per treatment, which is less work in maintenance/cleaning.


New member
I get a free pari from cf serv every 3rd order or something like that. I wonder why you have to pay... I didn't think it had to do with insurance, but the fact of getting pulmo through them. Maybe I have that all wrong???

I use the same (pari) neb for my xopenex, pulmo, and hts, (and soon, tobi). Once the xopen runs dry, then I add the pulmo, and when that runs dry, I add the hts. I was told this was ok to do by my cf team, as long as there is no mixing or too much diluting when I do that. This way I'm only using one neb per treatment, which is less work in maintenance/cleaning.


New member
I get a free pari from cf serv every 3rd order or something like that. I wonder why you have to pay... I didn't think it had to do with insurance, but the fact of getting pulmo through them. Maybe I have that all wrong???

I use the same (pari) neb for my xopenex, pulmo, and hts, (and soon, tobi). Once the xopen runs dry, then I add the pulmo, and when that runs dry, I add the hts. I was told this was ok to do by my cf team, as long as there is no mixing or too much diluting when I do that. This way I'm only using one neb per treatment, which is less work in maintenance/cleaning.


New member
I get a free pari from cf serv every 3rd order or something like that. I wonder why you have to pay... I didn't think it had to do with insurance, but the fact of getting pulmo through them. Maybe I have that all wrong???

I use the same (pari) neb for my xopenex, pulmo, and hts, (and soon, tobi). Once the xopen runs dry, then I add the pulmo, and when that runs dry, I add the hts. I was told this was ok to do by my cf team, as long as there is no mixing or too much diluting when I do that. This way I'm only using one neb per treatment, which is less work in maintenance/cleaning.


New member
I get a free pari from cf serv every 3rd order or something like that. I wonder why you have to pay... I didn't think it had to do with insurance, but the fact of getting pulmo through them. Maybe I have that all wrong???
<br />
<br />I use the same (pari) neb for my xopenex, pulmo, and hts, (and soon, tobi). Once the xopen runs dry, then I add the pulmo, and when that runs dry, I add the hts. I was told this was ok to do by my cf team, as long as there is no mixing or too much diluting when I do that. This way I'm only using one neb per treatment, which is less work in maintenance/cleaning.
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Staff member
When we take DS to the local clinic and he has a culture done, the RT always asks us if we need any nebs. Gives a bag with the invacare (sp) which we use with the pulmozyme and can be boiled, and the pari's. Or I surf the net and find a deal online. I think I ordered from American Allergy last time....


Staff member
When we take DS to the local clinic and he has a culture done, the RT always asks us if we need any nebs. Gives a bag with the invacare (sp) which we use with the pulmozyme and can be boiled, and the pari's. Or I surf the net and find a deal online. I think I ordered from American Allergy last time....


Staff member
When we take DS to the local clinic and he has a culture done, the RT always asks us if we need any nebs. Gives a bag with the invacare (sp) which we use with the pulmozyme and can be boiled, and the pari's. Or I surf the net and find a deal online. I think I ordered from American Allergy last time....


Staff member
When we take DS to the local clinic and he has a culture done, the RT always asks us if we need any nebs. Gives a bag with the invacare (sp) which we use with the pulmozyme and can be boiled, and the pari's. Or I surf the net and find a deal online. I think I ordered from American Allergy last time....


Staff member
When we take DS to the local clinic and he has a culture done, the RT always asks us if we need any nebs. Gives a bag with the invacare (sp) which we use with the pulmozyme and can be boiled, and the pari's. Or I surf the net and find a deal online. I think I ordered from American Allergy last time....


New member
Thanks y'all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . I do get a free Pari neb with every 3rd (? I don't remember either, lol) order, but I order the others in addition to that (so I have a total of 8 or preferably, 9, to wash and boil at one time), and <i>those </i>I have to pay for (my insurance doesn't cover the nebs, just the compressor).

And my clinic does have free nebs, but it seems that everytime I go in (every 3 months lately), they are out. I've gotten one in the last year, but I also feel bad about asking for one (knowing that they run out so often) because I know there are people who need them alot worse than I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> .

I do my Xopenex and my HS in the same neb, but since I do my Pulmozyme after my HS, I do it in a seperate neb. I also do my inhaled antibiotic (whatever it may be) in a seperate neb, so I either have 2 days worth of nebs (with 8 nebs) or 1 and a half days of nebs (9 for Tobi/Colistin time) each time I do my meds. And that's not counting if I'm sick and do an extra Xopenex and vest in the afternoon, though I do try to get away with just using my inhaler for that one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

So I need a minimum of six, if I don't want to be washing and boiling them twice a day when I am on Tobi, etc. (and of course, Tobi already adds an extra 40 minutes to my 4 hours a day treatment time).

*Sigh* I guess I will just have to suck it up and order the other Pari's...and take it off at tax time again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will do some googling and see what I can come up with price wise, but I think the cheapest I've found so far was $14, same as CF Services. I'll see what I can find with the invacare, too.

Thanks again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> !


New member
Thanks y'all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . I do get a free Pari neb with every 3rd (? I don't remember either, lol) order, but I order the others in addition to that (so I have a total of 8 or preferably, 9, to wash and boil at one time), and <i>those </i>I have to pay for (my insurance doesn't cover the nebs, just the compressor).

And my clinic does have free nebs, but it seems that everytime I go in (every 3 months lately), they are out. I've gotten one in the last year, but I also feel bad about asking for one (knowing that they run out so often) because I know there are people who need them alot worse than I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> .

I do my Xopenex and my HS in the same neb, but since I do my Pulmozyme after my HS, I do it in a seperate neb. I also do my inhaled antibiotic (whatever it may be) in a seperate neb, so I either have 2 days worth of nebs (with 8 nebs) or 1 and a half days of nebs (9 for Tobi/Colistin time) each time I do my meds. And that's not counting if I'm sick and do an extra Xopenex and vest in the afternoon, though I do try to get away with just using my inhaler for that one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

So I need a minimum of six, if I don't want to be washing and boiling them twice a day when I am on Tobi, etc. (and of course, Tobi already adds an extra 40 minutes to my 4 hours a day treatment time).

*Sigh* I guess I will just have to suck it up and order the other Pari's...and take it off at tax time again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will do some googling and see what I can come up with price wise, but I think the cheapest I've found so far was $14, same as CF Services. I'll see what I can find with the invacare, too.

Thanks again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> !


New member
Thanks y'all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . I do get a free Pari neb with every 3rd (? I don't remember either, lol) order, but I order the others in addition to that (so I have a total of 8 or preferably, 9, to wash and boil at one time), and <i>those </i>I have to pay for (my insurance doesn't cover the nebs, just the compressor).

And my clinic does have free nebs, but it seems that everytime I go in (every 3 months lately), they are out. I've gotten one in the last year, but I also feel bad about asking for one (knowing that they run out so often) because I know there are people who need them alot worse than I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> .

I do my Xopenex and my HS in the same neb, but since I do my Pulmozyme after my HS, I do it in a seperate neb. I also do my inhaled antibiotic (whatever it may be) in a seperate neb, so I either have 2 days worth of nebs (with 8 nebs) or 1 and a half days of nebs (9 for Tobi/Colistin time) each time I do my meds. And that's not counting if I'm sick and do an extra Xopenex and vest in the afternoon, though I do try to get away with just using my inhaler for that one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

So I need a minimum of six, if I don't want to be washing and boiling them twice a day when I am on Tobi, etc. (and of course, Tobi already adds an extra 40 minutes to my 4 hours a day treatment time).

*Sigh* I guess I will just have to suck it up and order the other Pari's...and take it off at tax time again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will do some googling and see what I can come up with price wise, but I think the cheapest I've found so far was $14, same as CF Services. I'll see what I can find with the invacare, too.

Thanks again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> !


New member
Thanks y'all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . I do get a free Pari neb with every 3rd (? I don't remember either, lol) order, but I order the others in addition to that (so I have a total of 8 or preferably, 9, to wash and boil at one time), and <i>those </i>I have to pay for (my insurance doesn't cover the nebs, just the compressor).

And my clinic does have free nebs, but it seems that everytime I go in (every 3 months lately), they are out. I've gotten one in the last year, but I also feel bad about asking for one (knowing that they run out so often) because I know there are people who need them alot worse than I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> .

I do my Xopenex and my HS in the same neb, but since I do my Pulmozyme after my HS, I do it in a seperate neb. I also do my inhaled antibiotic (whatever it may be) in a seperate neb, so I either have 2 days worth of nebs (with 8 nebs) or 1 and a half days of nebs (9 for Tobi/Colistin time) each time I do my meds. And that's not counting if I'm sick and do an extra Xopenex and vest in the afternoon, though I do try to get away with just using my inhaler for that one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

So I need a minimum of six, if I don't want to be washing and boiling them twice a day when I am on Tobi, etc. (and of course, Tobi already adds an extra 40 minutes to my 4 hours a day treatment time).

*Sigh* I guess I will just have to suck it up and order the other Pari's...and take it off at tax time again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will do some googling and see what I can come up with price wise, but I think the cheapest I've found so far was $14, same as CF Services. I'll see what I can find with the invacare, too.

Thanks again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> !


New member
Thanks y'all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . I do get a free Pari neb with every 3rd (? I don't remember either, lol) order, but I order the others in addition to that (so I have a total of 8 or preferably, 9, to wash and boil at one time), and <i>those </i>I have to pay for (my insurance doesn't cover the nebs, just the compressor).
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<br /> And my clinic does have free nebs, but it seems that everytime I go in (every 3 months lately), they are out. I've gotten one in the last year, but I also feel bad about asking for one (knowing that they run out so often) because I know there are people who need them alot worse than I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> .
<br />
<br />I do my Xopenex and my HS in the same neb, but since I do my Pulmozyme after my HS, I do it in a seperate neb. I also do my inhaled antibiotic (whatever it may be) in a seperate neb, so I either have 2 days worth of nebs (with 8 nebs) or 1 and a half days of nebs (9 for Tobi/Colistin time) each time I do my meds. And that's not counting if I'm sick and do an extra Xopenex and vest in the afternoon, though I do try to get away with just using my inhaler for that one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .
<br />
<br />So I need a minimum of six, if I don't want to be washing and boiling them twice a day when I am on Tobi, etc. (and of course, Tobi already adds an extra 40 minutes to my 4 hours a day treatment time).
<br />
<br />*Sigh* I guess I will just have to suck it up and order the other Pari's...and take it off at tax time again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .
<br />
<br />I will do some googling and see what I can come up with price wise, but I think the cheapest I've found so far was $14, same as CF Services. I'll see what I can find with the invacare, too.
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<br />Thanks again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> !