Suggestions on infant weight gain


New member
As previously posted, Ellie is in the 25 percentile for weight. Our CF doctor and dietician essentially told us to try to add another feeding during the day....that means 7 feedings of 3 - 4 ounces each time (3 - 4x fortified EBM, 3x nursing). We give her enzymes with each feeding and she eats well. They couldn't really suggest anything other than upping her food intake and to wait and see if Zantac helps with enzyme efficiency. However, she's not malabsorbing because she only stools 1 - 2x a day. Have any of you tried adding anything else to your infant's feedings? She's only 3 months old...I can't imagine I have many options....


New member
As previously posted, Ellie is in the 25 percentile for weight. Our CF doctor and dietician essentially told us to try to add another feeding during the day....that means 7 feedings of 3 - 4 ounces each time (3 - 4x fortified EBM, 3x nursing). We give her enzymes with each feeding and she eats well. They couldn't really suggest anything other than upping her food intake and to wait and see if Zantac helps with enzyme efficiency. However, she's not malabsorbing because she only stools 1 - 2x a day. Have any of you tried adding anything else to your infant's feedings? She's only 3 months old...I can't imagine I have many options....


New member
As previously posted, Ellie is in the 25 percentile for weight. Our CF doctor and dietician essentially told us to try to add another feeding during the day....that means 7 feedings of 3 - 4 ounces each time (3 - 4x fortified EBM, 3x nursing). We give her enzymes with each feeding and she eats well. They couldn't really suggest anything other than upping her food intake and to wait and see if Zantac helps with enzyme efficiency. However, she's not malabsorbing because she only stools 1 - 2x a day. Have any of you tried adding anything else to your infant's feedings? She's only 3 months old...I can't imagine I have many options....


New member
As previously posted, Ellie is in the 25 percentile for weight. Our CF doctor and dietician essentially told us to try to add another feeding during the day....that means 7 feedings of 3 - 4 ounces each time (3 - 4x fortified EBM, 3x nursing). We give her enzymes with each feeding and she eats well. They couldn't really suggest anything other than upping her food intake and to wait and see if Zantac helps with enzyme efficiency. However, she's not malabsorbing because she only stools 1 - 2x a day. Have any of you tried adding anything else to your infant's feedings? She's only 3 months old...I can't imagine I have many options....


New member
As previously posted, Ellie is in the 25 percentile for weight. Our CF doctor and dietician essentially told us to try to add another feeding during the day....that means 7 feedings of 3 - 4 ounces each time (3 - 4x fortified EBM, 3x nursing). We give her enzymes with each feeding and she eats well. They couldn't really suggest anything other than upping her food intake and to wait and see if Zantac helps with enzyme efficiency. However, she's not malabsorbing because she only stools 1 - 2x a day. Have any of you tried adding anything else to your infant's feedings? She's only 3 months old...I can't imagine I have many options....


Staff member
I didn't add anything at THAT age -- we did give him higher calorie formula as per the dietician's recs and we fed him every 3-4 hours -- set the alarm in the middle of the night.

I will admit when DS was 8 months old, I would put some cream in his bottle and a couple of times some nestles quick powder.


Staff member
I didn't add anything at THAT age -- we did give him higher calorie formula as per the dietician's recs and we fed him every 3-4 hours -- set the alarm in the middle of the night.

I will admit when DS was 8 months old, I would put some cream in his bottle and a couple of times some nestles quick powder.


Staff member
I didn't add anything at THAT age -- we did give him higher calorie formula as per the dietician's recs and we fed him every 3-4 hours -- set the alarm in the middle of the night.

I will admit when DS was 8 months old, I would put some cream in his bottle and a couple of times some nestles quick powder.


Staff member
I didn't add anything at THAT age -- we did give him higher calorie formula as per the dietician's recs and we fed him every 3-4 hours -- set the alarm in the middle of the night.

I will admit when DS was 8 months old, I would put some cream in his bottle and a couple of times some nestles quick powder.


Staff member
I didn't add anything at THAT age -- we did give him higher calorie formula as per the dietician's recs and we fed him every 3-4 hours -- set the alarm in the middle of the night.
<br />
<br />I will admit when DS was 8 months old, I would put some cream in his bottle and a couple of times some nestles quick powder.


New member
We added cereal to every bottle to help fatten both of my boys up. I feed him a lot of cereal with fruit mixed in. I know that they also suggested using polycose but that caused upset tummies.

I would check with the dietician and see what good suggestions that they will have. They were always helpful with us. Hope this helps


New member
We added cereal to every bottle to help fatten both of my boys up. I feed him a lot of cereal with fruit mixed in. I know that they also suggested using polycose but that caused upset tummies.

I would check with the dietician and see what good suggestions that they will have. They were always helpful with us. Hope this helps


New member
We added cereal to every bottle to help fatten both of my boys up. I feed him a lot of cereal with fruit mixed in. I know that they also suggested using polycose but that caused upset tummies.

I would check with the dietician and see what good suggestions that they will have. They were always helpful with us. Hope this helps


New member
We added cereal to every bottle to help fatten both of my boys up. I feed him a lot of cereal with fruit mixed in. I know that they also suggested using polycose but that caused upset tummies.

I would check with the dietician and see what good suggestions that they will have. They were always helpful with us. Hope this helps


New member
We added cereal to every bottle to help fatten both of my boys up. I feed him a lot of cereal with fruit mixed in. I know that they also suggested using polycose but that caused upset tummies.
<br />
<br />I would check with the dietician and see what good suggestions that they will have. They were always helpful with us. Hope this helps